
A total of 907 scientific publications in the field of transport planning and engineering: 261 papers in scientific journals with referees, 57 papers in scientific journals of conference proceedings, 563 papers in conference proceedings (486 with paper review, 489 in international conferences and 23 after invitation) and 26 monographs and chapters in books, as well as 7 teaching material, in 550 of which more than 12.000 citations are made (i10-index: googlescholar: 213, h-index: googlescholar: 54, scopus: 42).

Publications in scientific journals with referees

pj261 Antonakaki A., Oikonomou M. G., Garefalakis T., Yannis G., “Driving Automation Systems Penetration and Traffic Safety: Implications for Infrastructure Design and Policy”, Infrastructures 2024, 9(12), 234.  doi
pj260 Ziakopoulos A., Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Kallidoni M., Michelaraki E., Yannis G., “Explainable macroscopic and microscopic influences of COVID-19 on naturalistic driver aggressiveness derived from telematics through SHAP values of SVM and XGBoost algorithms”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 92, February 2025, pp. 393-407.  doi
pj259 Garefalakis T., Michelaraki E., Roussou S., Katrakazas C., Brijs Tom., Yannis G., “Predicting risky driving behavior with classification algorithms: results from a large-scale field-trial and simulator experiment”, European Transport Research Review, 16, 65, November 2024  doi
pj257 Roussou S., Petraki V., Deliali K., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “Cost benefit analysis of reducing speed limits in Athens to 30 Km/h”, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 18, 101289, December 2024.  doi
pj256 Yannis G., Michelaraki E., “Effectiveness of 30 km/h speed limit – A literature review”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 92, February 2025, pp. 490-503  doi
pj255 Kostopoulos A., Garefalakis T., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., “Modeling and Sustainability Implications of Harsh Driving Events: A Predictive Machine Learning Approach”, Sustainability 2024, 16, 6151, July 2024.  doi
pj254 Nikolaou D., Ziakopoulos A., Kontaxi A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Spatial analysis of telematics-based surrogate safety measures”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 92, February 2025, pp. 98-108.  doi
pj253 Sekadakis M., Kallidoni M., Katrakazas C., Trösterer S., Marx C., Moertl P., Yannis G., “The HADRIAN novel human–machine interface prototype for automated driving: safety and impact assessment”, European Transport Research Review 16, 64, November 2024.  doi
pj252 Roussou, S., Michelaraki, E., Katrakazas, C., Afghari A. P., Al Haddad C., Alam M. R., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Unfolding the dynamics of driving behavior: a machine learning analysis from Germany and Belgium”, European Transport Research Review 16, 40, June 2024.  doi
pj251 Yannis G., Michelaraki E., “Review of City-Wide 30 km/h Speed Limit Benefits in Europe”, Sustainability 2024, 16(11), May 2024.  doi
pj250 Ziakopoulos A., Oikonomou G. M., Sekadakis M., Yannis G., “Safety evaluation via conflict classification during automated shuttle bus service operations”, European Transport Research Review 16, 38, June 2024.  doi
PJ249 Kamvoussioras H., Garefalakis T., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., “Detection of dangerous driving behaviour with wide-scale data from smart systems and machine learning techniques”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Vol LXIV, pp.121-142, November 2024.  doi
pj248 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “RSS2022 Conference: Advanced Road Safety Analyses”, Safety Science 2024 Special issue, in press.  doi
pj247 Masud S. S., Mahajan K., Kondyli A., Deliali L., Yannis G., “Leveraging Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict and Analyze Single-Vehicle and Multi-Vehicle Crash Occurrences on Motorways”, Transportation Research Record, 0(0), June 2024.  doi
pj246 Roussou S., Garefalakis T., Michelaraki E., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Machine Learning Insights on Driving Behaviour Dynamics among Germany, Belgium, and UK Drivers”, Sustainability 2024, 16, 518, January 2024.  doi
pj245 Roussou S., Garefalakis T., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Adnan M., Khattak M.W., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Examination of the Effect of Task Complexity and Coping Capacity on Driving Risk: A Cross-Country and Transportation Mode Comparative Study”, Sensors 2023, 23, 9663, December 2023.  doi
pj244 Ziakopoulos A., Telidou C., Anagnostopoulos A., Kehagia F., Yannis G., “Perceptions towards autonomous vehicle acceptance: Information mining from Self-Organizing Maps and Random Forests” IATSS Research Volume 47 (4), pp. 499-513, December 2023.  doi
pj243 Bonera M., Barabino B., Yannis G., Maternini G., “Network-wide road crash risk screening: A new framework”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 199, May 2024.  doi
pj242 Stamatelos P., Economou A., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Parkinson’s Disease and Driving Fitness: A Systematic Review of the Existing Guidelines”, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, November 2023.  doi
pj241 Christoforou Z., Giannoulaki M., Gioldasis C., Yannis G., “Cycling under the influence of alcohol and other drugs: An exploratory analysis”, Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 99, pp. 204–220, November 2023.  doi
pj240 Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Kaiser S., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Real-Time Monitoring of Driver Distraction: State-of-the-art and future insights”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 193, August 2023.  doi
pj239 Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Michelaraki E., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “COVID-19 and driving behavior: Which were the most crucial influencing factors”, Data Science for Transportation, Volume 16, Issue 5, August 2023.  doi
pj238 Tešić M., Miladić – Tešić S., Folla K., Yannis G., Oviedo-Trespalacios O., “Star rating of driver’s behavior as a tool to prevent risky behavior”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 97, pp. 214-230, August 2023.  doi
pj237 Kontaxi A., Tzoutzoulis D., Ziakopoulos A.,Yannis G., “Exploring speeding behavior using naturalistic car driving data from smartphones”, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, December 2023.  doi
pj236 Ziakopoulos A., Diamanti A, Yannis G., “The impact of cognition-affecting neurological diseases on reaction time and driving speed deviation”, Open Transportation Journal, Volume 17, June 2023.  doi
pj235 Nikolaou D., Ziakopoulos A., Dragomanovits A., Roussou J., Yannis G., “Comparing Machine Learning Techniques for Predictions of Motorway Segment Crash Risk Level”, Safety, Volume 9(2), Issue 32, May 2023.  doi
pj234 Nikolaou D., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “A Review of Surrogate Safety Measures Uses in Historical Crash Investigations”, Sustainability, Volume 15(9), May 2023.  doi
pj233 Oikonomou M., Ziakopoulos A., Chaudhry A., Thomas P., Yannis G., “From conflicts to crashes: Simulating macroscopic connected and automated driving vehicle safety”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 187, May 2023.  doi
pj232 Tsoutsi V., Papadakaki M., Yannis G., Pavlou D., Basta N., Chliaoutakis J., Dikeos D., “Driving behaviour in depression based on subjective evaluation and data from a driving simulator”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, April 2023.  doi
pj231 Mavromatis S., Matragos V., Apostoleris K., Fotos F., Yannis G., “An Evaluation of the Passing Process through Road – Vehicle Parameters Assessment”, European Transport Research Review, Volume 15, Issue 8, March 2023.  doi
pj230 Buzdugan I. D., Boboc R. G., Voinea G. D., Csaba A., Yannis G., “Texting while driving: a literature review on driving simulator studies”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, February 2023.  doi
pj229 Nikolaou D., Dragomanovits A., Ziakopoulos A., Deliali A., Handanos I., Karadimas C., Kostoulas G., Frantzola E., Yannis G., “Exploiting Surrogate Safety Measures and Road Design Characteristics towards Crash Investigations in Motorway Segments”, Infrastructures, February 2023.  doi
pj228 Nikolaou D., Ntontis A., Michelaraki E., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Pedestrian safety attitudes and self-declared behaviour in Greece”, IATSS Research, Vol. 47, Issue 14-24, December 2022.  doi
pj227 Ziakopoulos A., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “Analysis of mobile phone use engagement during naturalistic driving through explainable imbalanced machine learning”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Volume 181, March 2023.  doi
pj226 Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Mörtl P., Santuccio E., Yannis G., “Risk factors linked with elderly, truck and office worker drivers: a literature review in light of automated driving”, Advances in Transportation Studies : Special Issue 2022 Vol3, June 2022.  doi
pj225 Typa D., Nikolaou D., Yannis G., “Investigation of traffic and safety behavior of pedestrians while talking on mobile phone”, Advances in Transportation Studies : Special Issue 2022 Vol3, June 2022.  doi
pj224 Tiberi P., Tripodi A., Dragomanovits A., Deliali K., Yannis G., “A state-of-practice Review on Crash Occurrence Analysis and Hazardous Location Identification”, Advances in Transportation Studies : Special Issue 2022 Vol3, June 2022  doi
pj223 Yannis G., Mavromatis S., “Innovative road safety measures”, Advances in Transportation Studies: an international Journal, 2022 Special Issue Vol.3, June 2022  doi
pj222 Ziakopoulos A., Petraki V., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “The transformation of the insurance industry and road safety by driver safety behaviour telematics”, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp. 2271-2279, December 2022  doi
pj221 Nævestad T., Laiou A., Yannis G., “The role of values in road safety culture: Are motorcycle riders’ higher accident risk a result of their appreciation of freedom to take risk?”, Traffic Safety Research, Vol. 3 (2022): RSS 2022 Special Issue, August 2022.  doi
pj220 Michelaraki E., Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “One year of COVID-19: Impacts on safe driving behavior and policy recommendations”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 82, October 2022.  doi
pj219 Petraki V., Papantoniou P., Korentzelou A., Yannis G., “Public Acceptability of Environmentally Linked Congestion and Parking Charging Policies in Greek Urban Centers”, Sustainability 2022, 14(15), 9208, July 2022.  doi
pj218 Garefalakis T., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., “Data-driven estimation of a driving safety tolerance zone using imbalanced machine learning”, Sensors 2022, 22(14), 5309, July 2022.  doi
pj217 Sekadakis M., Orfanou F., Pavlou D., Oikonomou M., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., “Impact of texting and web surfing on driving behavior and safety in rural roads”, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, June 2022.  doi
pj216 Kallidoni M., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., “Modelling the relationship between covid-19 restrictive measures and mobility patterns across Europe using time-series analysis”, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 22(2), pp. 161–182, May 2022.  doi
pj215 Zirganos A., Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Evaluating Good Practices for the promotion of Electromobility using Mul-ti Criteria Analysis Methods”, Case Studies on Transport Policy, Vol. 10, pp. 1602-1610, September 2022.  doi
pj214 Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Michelaraki E., Yannis G., “Driving Behaviour and its correlation with COVID-19 response measures: A neural network forecasting analysis”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 148, October 2022.  doi
pj213 Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Mitsakis E., “Humanizing Autonomous Vehicle Driving: Understanding, Modeling and Impact Assessment”, Traffic psychology and behaviour, Vol. 87, pp. 477-504, May 2022.  doi
pj212 Yang K., Hadad, Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Classification and Evaluation of Driving Behavior Safety Levels: A Driving Simulation Study”, IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.3, pp. 111-125, February 20221.  doi
pj211 Tympakianaki A., Nogues L., Casas J., Brackstone M., Oikonomou M., Vlahogianni E., Djukic T., Yannis G., “Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Networks: A simulation-based Assessment”, Transportation Research Record, May 2022.  doi
pj210 Nævestad T. , Laiou A., Roosenblom T., Elvik R., Yannis G., “The role of values in road safety culture: Examining the valuation of freedom to take risk, risk taking and accident involvement in three countries”, Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 84, pp. 375-392, January 2022.  doi
pj209 Ziakopoulos A., Vlahogianni E., Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Spatial predictions of harsh driving events using statistical and machine learning methods”, Safety Science, Vol. 150, June 2022.  doi
pj208 Zoupos A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Modelling self-reported driver perspectives and fatigued driving via deep learning”, Traffic Safety Research, Vol.1, November 2021.  doi
pj207 Ziakopoulos A., Oikonomou M., Vlachogianni E., Yannis G., “Quantifying the implementation impacts of a point to point automated urban shuttle service in a large-scale network”, Transport Policy, Vol. 114, pp. 233-244, December 2021.  doi  
pj206 Tormo-Lancero M., Valero-Mora P., Sanmartin J., Sánchez-García M., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Alonso F., Campos-Díaz E., “Development of a Roadmap for the Implementation of a Sustainable Mobility Action Plan in University Campuses of Emerging Countries”, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, January 2022.  doi
pj205 Mourtakos V., Oikonomou M., Kopelias P., Vlachogianni E., Yannis G., “Impacts of autonomous on-demand mobility service: A simulation experiment in the City of Athens”, Transportation Letters, publiched online: November 2021.  doi
pj204 Stamatelos P., Economou A., Stefanis L., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Driving and Alzheimer’s Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment: A systematic review of the existing guidelines emphasizing on the neurologist’s role.”, Neurological Sciences, Vol. 41, Issue 9, September 2021.  doi
pj203 Stanitsa E., Economou A., Beratis I., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Papastefanopoulou V., Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Kroupis C., Papatriantafyllou J., Stefanis L., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Effect of Apolipoprotein E4 on the Driving Behavior of Patients with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment or Mild Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia”, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 1005-1014, November 2021.  doi
pj202 Sekadakis M., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., “Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on collisions, fatalities and injuries using time series forecasting: The case of Greece”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 162, November 2021.  doi
pj201 Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Trip characteristics impact on the frequency of harsh events recorded via smartphone sensors”, IATSS Research, published online: August 2021.  doi  
pj200 Nikolaou D., Folla K., Yannis G., “Impact of socioeconomic and transport indicators on road safety during the crisis period in Europe”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion Volume 28, Issue 4, 2021, pp.479-485  doi  
pj199 Folla K., Anagnostopoulou A., Yannis G., “Main Challenges and Opportunities, Constraints and Barriers of Open Science in Transport Research”, International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies, Vol.8, Issue 5, pp. 32-40.  
pj198 Ziakopoulos A., Nikolaou D., Yannis G., “Correlations of multiple rider behaviors with self-reported attitudes, perspectives on traffic rule strictness and social desirability”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 80, July 2021, pp. 313-327.  doi  
pj197 Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Laiou A., Michelaraki E., Yannis G., Rosenbloomc T., “Examining the relationship between impaired driving and past crash involvement in Europe: Insights from the ESRA study”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Published online: June 2021.  doi  
pj196 Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Investigation of the speeding behavior of motorcyclists through an innovative smartphone application”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Published online: June 2021.  doi  
pj195 Tselentis D., Vlachogianni E., Yannis G., “Investigating the Temporal Evolution of Driving Safety Efficiency Using Data Collected from Smartphone Sensors”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 154, May 2021.  doi  
pj194 Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., Filtness A., Talbot R., Hancox G., Pilkington-Cheney F., Brijs K., Ross V., Dirix H., Neven A., Paul R. , Brijs T., Fortsakis P., Frantzola E., Taveira R., “Post-trip safety interventions: state-of-the-art, challenges and practical implications”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 77, June 2021, pp. 67-85.  doi  
pj193 Economou A., Beratis I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Intraindividual Variability in Driving Simulator Parameters of Healthy Drivers of Different Ages”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 78, April 2021, pp. 91-102.  doi  
pj192 Katrakazas C., Michelaraki E., Sekadakis M., Ziakopoulos A., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “Identifying the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on driving behavior using naturalistic driving data and time series forecasting”, Journal of Safety Research, May 2021.  doi  
pj191 Orfanou F., Vlachogianni E., Yannis G., “A Taxonomy of Skills and Knowledge for Efficient Autonomous Vehicle Operation”, Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems, November 2020, pp. 305-315.  doi  
pj190 Papantoniou P., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., Fortsakis P., “Investigating the Correlation of Mobile Phone Use with Trip Characteristics Recorded Through Smartphone Sensors”, Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems.  
pj189 Folla K., Nikolaou P., Dimitriou L., Yannis G., “Benchmarking Analysis of Road Safety Levels for an Extensive and Representative Dataset of European Cities”, Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems, November 2020, pp. 1066-1075.  doi  
pj188 Orfanou, F., Papantoniou, P., Vlahogianni, E., Yannis, G., “A Comparative Gap Analysis for Electromobility and Alternative Fuels”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, November 2020, pp. 606–615.  
pj187 Mavromatis S., Apostoleris K., Laiou A., Yannis G., Psarianos B., “Acceleration Impact Investigation for Control Road Geometry Parameters”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Vol LIV, pp.47-60, July 2021  doi  
pj186 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Vlachogianni E., “Are driving errors and driving performance correlated? A dual structural equation model”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Vol.53, April 2021, pp. 37-50.  
pj185 Katrakazas C., Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Identification of driving simulator sessions of depressed drivers: A comparison between aggregated and time-series classification”, Transportation Research, Vol. 75, November 2020, pp. 16-25.  doi  
pj184 Yannis G., Nikolaou D., Laiou A., Achermann Stürmer Y., Buttler I., Jankowska-Karpa D., “Vulnerable road users: Cross-cultural perspectives on performance and attitudes”. IATSS Research, September 2020.  doi  
pj183 Katrakazas C., Michelaraki E., Sekadakis M., Yannis G., “A descriptive analysis of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on driving behavior and road safety”. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Vol. 7, September 2020, 100186.  doi  
pj182 Brown L., Morris A.,Thomas P., Ekambaram K., Margaritis D., Davidse R., Shingo Usami D., Robibaro M., Persia L., Buttler I., Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Martin A., Wadji F., “Investigation of Accidents Involving Powered Two Wheelers and Bicycles – a European In-Depth Study”. Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 76, February 2021, pp. 135-145.  doi  
pj181 Theofilatos A., Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Exploring injury severity of children and adolescents involved in traffic crashes in Greece”. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2021, pp. 596-604  doi  
pj180 Pomoni M., Plati C. , Loizos Α., Yannis G., “An investigation of skid resistance and macrotexture on long-term basis”. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, July 2020.  doi  
pj179 Petraki V., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Combined impact of road and traffic characteristic on driver behavior using smartphone sensor data”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 144, September 2020.  doi  
pj178 Yannis G., Kopsacheili A., Peraki V., “State-of-the-art review on multi-criteria decision-making in the transport sector”. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Vol. 7, Issue 4, August 2020, pp. 413-431.  doi  
pj177 Ropaka M., Nikolaou D., Yannis G., “Investigation of traffic and safety behavior of pedestrians while texting or web-surfing”. Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 21, Issue 6, June 2020, pp. 389-394.  doi  
pj176 Nævestad T., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Safety Culture Among Car Drivers and Motorcycle Riders in Norway and Greece: Examining the Influence of Nationality, Region, and Transport Mode”. Frontiers, July 2020.  doi  
pj175 Stavrakaki A.M., Tselentis D., Barmpounakis E., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G. “Estimating the Necessary Amount of Driving Data for Assessing Driving Behavior”. Sensors, 2020, 20(9), 2600  doi  
pj174 Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “On User Perception of Mobility Patterns, Problems and efficient Measures for University Campuses in Mediterranean Countries”. Ekistics, Vol. 80 No. 3, 2020, pp.15-18  doi  
pj173 Economou A., Pavlou D., Beratis I., Andronas N., Papadimitriou E., Papageorgiou S., Yannis G., “Predictors of accidents in people with mild cognitive impairment, mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease and healthy controls in simulated driving”. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Vol. 35, Issue 8, August 2020, pp. 859-869.  doi
pj172 Kavouras C., Economou A., Loizidou A., Kiosseogloy G., Yannis G., “Off-road assessment of cognitive fitness to drive”, Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, September 2020.  doi
pj171 Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Meta-regressions of exposure parameters used in spatial road safety analyses”. Advances in Transportation Studies, Vol. 51, July 2020, pp. 5-14.  
pj170 Tselentis D., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Driving Safety Efficiency Benchmarking Using Smartphone Data”. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 109, December 2019, pp. 343-357.  doi  
pj169 Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “A review of spatial approaches in road safety”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 135, February 2020, 105323  doi  
pj168 Benekos I., Yannis G., Mavromatis S., “Implementing enterprise risk management in road organizations: Considerations and a proposed roadmap”. Risk and Decision Analysis, Risk and Decision Analysis, Vol. 8, pp. 39-65, 2020.  doi  
pj167 Laiou A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Meesmann U., Torfs K., Trotta M., ”An exploration of European road users’ safety attitudes towards speeding”. Transportation Safety and Security, Vol. 13, Issue 5, August 2019, pp.552-573  doi  
pj166 Ziakopoulos A., Tselentis D., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “A critical overview of driver recording tools”, Journal of Safety Research Volume 72, February 2020, pp. 203-212  doi  
pj165 Vardaki S., Dickerson E., Beratis I., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Driving difficulties as reported by elderly drivers with MCI and without neurological impairment”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Volume 20, June 2019, Issue 6  doi
pj164 Papadimitriou E., Argyropoulou A., Tselentis D., Yannis G., “Analysis of driver behaviour through smartphone data: The case of mobile phone use while driving”, Safety Science, Vol. 119, November 2019, pp. 91-97  doi  
pj163 Yannis G., “Monitoring driver safety behaviour through naturalistic driving experiments”, Safety Science, Vol.119, November 2019, p.1  doi  
pj162 Benekos I., Yannis G., “A proposed approach for implementing enterprise risk management in road organizations”, Roads, No 380, 2019  doi  
pj161 Nævestad T., Phillips R. O., Laiou A., Bjørnskau T., Yannis G., “Safety culture among bus drivers in Norway and Greece”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 64, July 2019, pp. 323-341.  doi  
pj160 Souris C., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Attitudes of Greek drivers towards autonomous vehicles – a preliminary analysis using stated preference approach”, Advances in Transportation Studies . Vol. 48, pp. 105-116, July 2019  doi  
pj159 Nævestad T.O., Laiou A., Phillips R.O., Bjørnskau T., Yannis G., “Safety Culture among Private and Professional Drivers in Norway and Greece: Examining the Influence of National Road Safety Culture”, Safety, Vol. 5(2), 20, April 2019.  doi  
pj158 Charoniti E., Orfanou F., Sermpis D., Yannis G., “Alternative Scenarios for Managing Traffic Incidents Through Micro Simulation”. Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Transport, in press.
pj157 Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “A meta-analysis of the impacts of operating in-vehicle information systems on road safety”. IATSS Research, Vol. 43, Issue 3, October 2019, pp. 185-194.  doi  
pj156 Bellos V., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Investigation of the effect of tourism on road crashes”. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Vol.12, Issue 6, January 2019, pp. 782-799  doi  
pj155 Nævestad T.-O., Størkersen K.V., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Framework conditions of occupational safety: Comparing Norwegian maritime cargo and passenger transport”. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol.7, Iss.4, December 2018, pp.291-307  doi  
pj154 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Christofa E., “Which factors lead to driving errors? A structural equation model analysis through a driving simulator experiment”. Journal of IATSS, Vol. 43, Issue 1, April 2019, pp. 44-50.  doi  
pj153 Papadimitriou E., Filtness A., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Quigley C., Yannis G., “Review and ranking of crash risk factors related to the road infrastructure”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 125, April 2019, pp. 85-97.  doi  
pj152 Nævestad T.-O., Phillips R., Storkersen K., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Safety culture in maritime transport in Norway and Greece: exploring national, sectorial and organizational influences on unsafe behaviours and work accidents”. Marine Policy, 2019, Vol. 99, pp. 1-13.  doi
pj151 Martensen H., Diependaele K., Daniels S., Van den Berghe W., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Van Schagen I., Weijermars W., Wijnen W., Filtness A., Talbot R., Thomas P., Machata K., Aigner Breuss E., Kaiser S., Hermitte T., Thomson R., Elvik R., “The European road safety decision support system on risks and measures”. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol.125, April 2019, pp.344-351  doi  
pj150 Kontaxopoulou D., Beratis I., Fragkiadaki S., Pavlou D., Andronas N., Yannis G., Economou A., Papanicolaou A., Papageorgiou S., “Exploring the profile of incidental memory in patients with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and mild Alzheimer’s Disease”. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Vol. 65 (2), August 2018, Vol. 65 (2), pp. 617-627.  doi
pj149 Dimitriou L., Stylianou K., Yannis G., “Capturing the effects of texting on young drivers behaviour based on copula and gausssian mixture models”. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, October 2018, Vol. 58, pp. 930-943.  doi  
pj148 Mavromatis S., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Safety Assessment of Control Design Parameters through Vehicle Dynamics Model”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol.125, April 2019, pp.330-335  doi  
pj147 Benekos I., Mavromatis S., Laiou A., Yannis G., “The use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in risk and emergency management for road transport planning and operation”. ITE Journal, Vol. 44, January 2019, pp. 45-49.  doi  
pj146 Papadimitriou E., Mavromatis S., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Identification of Patterns of Driver Speeding Behaviour and Safety Margins from Tangent to Curve”. Advances in Transportation Studies, Special Issue 2018, Vol. 1, pp. 83-94.  doi  
pj145 Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Pavlou D., “Which factors affect accident probability at unexpected incidents? A structural equation model approach”. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, April 2018, pp. 1-18.  doi  
pj144 Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “How many crashes are caused by driver interaction with passengers? A meta-analysis approach”. Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 65, June 2018, pp. 11-20.  doi  
pj143 Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Road safety behavior of drivers with neurological diseases affecting cognitive functions: an interdisciplinary Structural Equation Model analysis approach”. Advances in Transportation Studies, Issue XLIV, April 2018, pp. 133-150.  doi  
pj142 Fragkiadaki S., Beratis I., Kontaxopoulou D., Pavlou D., Andronas N., Papanicolaou A., Economou A., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.G., “Self-awareness of driving ability in the healthy elderly and patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)”. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders – An International Journal, April-June 32(2), 2018, pp. 107-113.  doi  
pj141 Tselentis D., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Konstantinopoulos M., “Public opinion on Usage-Based Motor Insurance Schemes: a stated preference approach”. Travel Behaviour and Society, Vol. 11, April 2018, pp. 111-118.  doi  
pj140 Mavromatis S., Laiou A., Yannis G., Tripodi A., Persia L., “Assessing road safety data collection systems and definitions in Africa”. Advances in Transportation Studies, Issue XLV, July 2018, pp. 93-106.  doi  
pj139 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Kopelias P., Papadimitriou F., “Impact of real-time traffic characteristics on crash occurrence: The case of rare events”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 130, September 2019, pp. 151-159.  doi  
pj138 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Nikas M. “Comparative analysis of young drivers behavior in normal and simulation conditions at a rural road”. Transport Europe, Iss.66, December 2017, Paper no 5, ISSN 1825-3997.  doi  
pj137 Beratis Ι., Andronas Ν., Fragkiadaki S., Kontaxopoulou D., Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Stamelou M., Stefanis L., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Exploring the association of the Comprehensive Trail Making Test with driving indexes in patients with Parkinson’s disease”. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 59, 2018, pp. 535-544.  doi  
pj136 Kopsacheili Α., Pnevmaticou Α., Yannis G., Diamandouros Κ., “A simplified transport model for the ex-ante evaluation of road pricing on a project basis”. Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Infrastructure Asset Management, Vol. 4, Issue 4, December 2017, pp. 128-136.  doi  
pj135 Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Diamandouros K., (2017). “Meta-analysis of the effect of road work zones on crash occurrence”. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 108, 2017, pp. 1-8.  doi  
pj134 Papadimitriou E., Mavromatis S., Pavlou D., Yannis G., 2017, “Simulation based safety margin assessment on speed variation between tangent to curved road alignment”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Vol. 43, 2017, pp. 5-16.  doi  
pj133 Yannis G., Theofilatos A., Alevizou P., “Critical Factors of Motorcycle Accidents in Greece”. Transport Europei, Issue 63, 2017, Paper no. 6, ISSN 1825-3997.  doi  
pj132 Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Beratis I., Pavlou D., Economou A., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Incidental and intentional memory: their relation with attention and executive functions”. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, Vol. 32, Issue 5, August 2017, pp. 519–532.  doi
pj131 Beratis I., Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Andronas N., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.G., “Mild Cognitive Impairment and driving: Does in-vehicle distraction affect driving performance?”. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 103, 2017, pp. 148–155.  doi  
pj130 Mavromatis S., Papadimitriou E., Psarianos B., Yannis G., “Vehicle skidding assessment through maximum attainable constant speed investigation”. ASCE – Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Vol. 143, Issue 9, 2017, pp. 2-11.  doi  
pj129 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S.G., “Comparative assessment of the behaviour of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s disease in different road and traffic conditions”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 47, 2017, pp. 122-131.  doi  
pj128 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Chaziris A., Serbis D., “Time series and support vector machines to predict powered-two-wheeler accident risk and accident type propensity: A combined approach”, Transportation Safety and Security, 2017, pp. 1-20.  doi  
pj127 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Laiou A., La Torre F., Domenichini L., Richter T., Ruhl S., Graham D., Karathodorou N., “Road traffic accident prediction modelling: a literature review”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport (Themed issue on transport safety and assessment), Volume 170, Issue 5, 2017, pp. 245-254.  doi  
pj126 Beratis I., Andronas N., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Pavlou D., Papatriantafyllou J., Economou A., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Driving in Mild Cognitive Impairment: the role of depressive symptoms”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol.18, Issue 5, 2017, pp. 470-476.  doi
pj125 Papageorgiou S.G., Beratis I.N., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Does the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease implies immediate revocation of a driving license?”, International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health, Issue 3, 2016, Supplement 1.  doi  
pj124 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Golias J., Vlahogianni E., “Modelling the effect of traffic regimes on safety of urban arterials: the case study of Athens”, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2017, pp. 240-251.  doi  
pj123 Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Economou A., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.G., “Self-assessment of older drivers with brain pathologies: reported habits and self-regulation of driving”, Journal of Transport & Health, Vol. 4, 2017, pp.90-98.  doi  
pj122 Yannis G., Laiou A., Papantoniou P., Gkartzonikas C., “Simulation of Texting Impact on Young Drivers’ Behaviour and Safety on Motorways”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 41, Part A, 2016, pp 10-18.  doi  
pj121 Fragkiadaki S., Kontaxopoulou D., Beratis I., Andronas N., Economou A., Yannis G., Papanicolaou A., Papageorgiou S.,“Self-awareness of cognitive efficiency: differences between healthy elderly and patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)”, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, Vol. 38 No.10, 2016, pp. 1144-1157.  doi  
pj120 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Investigation of Powered-Two-Wheeler accident involvement on urban arterials by considering real-time traffic and weather data”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 18, Issue 3, 2017 pp. 293-298.  doi  
pj119 Tselentis D.I., Yannis G., Vlahogianni E.I., “Innovative motor insurance schemes: A review of current practices and emerging challenges”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 98, 2017 pp. 139-148.  doi  
pj118 Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G., Tselentis D., “Road, Traffic, and Human Factors of Pedestrian Crossing Behavior: Integrated Choice and Latent Variables Models”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2586, 2016, pp. 28–38.  doi  
pj117 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S, Commandeur J., Bijleveld F., Dupont E., “Forecasting the number of road traffic fatalities in Greece”, International Journal of Transportation Vol. 5 No. 2, 2017, pp.1-14.  doi  
pj116 Armouti I., Antoniou C., Yannis G.,“Safety Practices of Nursery School Travel: Preliminary Results from Ilioupoli”, International Journal of Transportation Special Issue, in press.  
pj115 Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S.,“Driving performance profiles of drivers with brain pathologies in rural roads”, International Journal of Transportation, Vol. 5, No.3, 2017, pp.17-28.  doi  
pj114 Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J.,“Exploratory analysis of the effect of distraction on driving behaviour through a driving simulator experiment”, International Journal of Transportation, Vol. 5, No 1, 2017, pp. 35-46.  doi  
pj113 Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Golias J., Papageorgiou S.G., “Which are the effects of driver distraction and brain pathologies on reaction time and accident risk?”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Special Issue Vol.1, 2016, pp. 83-98.  doi  
pj112 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S. “Relating traffic fatalities to GDP in Europe on the long term”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 92, 2016 pp. 89-96.  doi  
pj111 Yannis G., Roumpas L., Papadimitriou E., “Mobile phone use, speed and accident probability of young drivers”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Vol. 39, 2016, pp. 51-68.  doi  
pj109 Mavromatis S., Stamatiadis N., Psarianos B., Yannis G, “Controlling Sag Vertical Curvature Rates Based on Variable Grade Stopping Sight Distance Calculation”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Issue 38, 2016, pp. 33-44.  doi  
pj108 Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G., “Introducing human factors in pedestrian crossing behaviour models”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 36, 2016, pp. 69-82.  doi  
pj107 Vardaki S., Devos H., Beratis I., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Exploring the association between working memory and driving performance in Parkinson’s disease”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2016, pp. 359-366.  doi  
pj106 Vardaki S., Dickerson A., Beratis I., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Simulator measures and identification of older drivers with MCI”, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Issue 70(2), 2016, pp. 1–10.  doi
pj105 Mavromatis S., Stamatiadis N., Psarianos B., Yannis G., “Controlling crest vertical curvature rates based on variable grade stopping sight distance calculation”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2521, 2015, pp. 31–44.  doi  
pj104 Antoniou C., Gikas V., Papathanasopoulou V., Danezis C., Panagopoulos A., Markou I., Efthymiou D., Yannis G., Perakis H., “Localization and driving behavior classification with smartphone sensors in direct absence of Global Navigation Satellite Systems”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2489, 2015, pp. 66–76.  doi  
pj103 Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Assessment of Driving Simulator Studies on Driver Distraction”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Issue 35, 2015, pp. 129-144.  doi
pj102 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., Dragomanovits A., “Good Practices on Cost – Effective Road Infrastructure Safety Investments”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol. 23, Issue 4, 2016, pp. 373-387.  doi
pj101 Yannis G., Theofilatos A., Marinou P., “Attitudes of Greek drivers with focus on mobile phone use while driving”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 16, Issue 8, 2015, pp. 831-834.  doi
pj100 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “A review of the effect of traffic and weather characteristics on road safety”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 72, 2014 pp.244-256.  doi
pj99 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Assessing Selected Cognitive Impairments Using a Driving Simulator: A Focused Review”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Issue 34, 2014, pp. 105-128.  doi  
pj98 Yannis G., Laiou A., “Current road safety trends in Greece”, Periodica Polytechnica, Volume 42, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 145-151.  doi  
pj97 Dupont E., Commandeur J., Lassarre S., Bijleveld F., Martensen H., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Hermans E., Pérez K.; Santamariña-Rubio E.; Shingo Usami D., Giustiniani G., “Latent risk and trend models for the evolution of annual fatality numbers in 30 European countries”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 71, 2014, pp.327–336.  doi
pj96 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Chaziris A., Broughton J., “Modeling road accident injury under-reporting in Europe”, European Transport Research Review, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2014, pp.425-438.  doi
pj95 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Needs and priorities of road safety stakeholders for evidence-based policy making”, Transport Policy, Vol. 35, 2014, pp.286–294.  doi
pj94 Papadimitriou E., Auberlet J-M., Yannis G., Lassarre S., “Simulation of Pedestrians and Motorised Traffic: existing research and future challenges”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, Vol. 6, 2014 pp.57-73.  doi
pj93 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “A review of Powered-Two-Wheeler behaviour and safety”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol. 22, Issue 4, 2014 pp.284-307.  doi  
pj92 Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Cestac J., Kraiem S., “Motorcycle riding under the influence of alcohol: Results from the SARTRE-4 survey”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 70, 2014 pp.121-130.  doi  
pj91 Yannis G., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Chaziris A., “Investigation of road accident severity”, Traffic Engineering and Control, March 2014, pp. 31-35.    
pj90 Yannis G., Laiou A., Papantoniou P., Christoforou C., “Impact of texting on young drivers’ behaviour and safety in urban and rural roads through a simulation experiment”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 49, 2014, pp.25-31.  doi
pj89 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papathanasiou E., Postantzi E., “Impact of mobile phone use and music on driver behaviour and safety by the use of a driving simulator”, European Transport, in press.  doi
pj88 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Analysis of pedestrian road crossing behaviour in urban areas”, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, 2014, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp.40-55  doi
pj87 Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Detecting Powered-Two-Wheeler Incidents from High Resolution Naturalistic Data”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 22, 2014, pp. 86-95.  doi  
pj86 Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Road safety forecasts in five European countries using structural time-series models”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 15, Issue 6, 2014, pp. 598-605.  doi  
pj85 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Folla K., “Effect of GDP changes on road traffic fatalities”, Safety Science, Vol. 63, 2014, pp. 42-49.  doi  
pj84 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Relationship between motorcyclists’ attitudes, behaviour and other attributes with declared accident involvement in Europe”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 156-164.  doi  
pj83 Yannis G., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Papadimitriou E., Dragomanovits A., Kanellaidis G., “An Analysis of Mobile Phone Use by Car Drivers in Greece”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport, Vol. 168, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 161-171.  doi  
pj82 Yannis G., Kondyli A., Georgopoulou X., “Investigation of the Impact of Low Cost Engineering Measures on Road Safety in Urban Areas”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol. 21, 2014, No.2, pp.181–189.  doi  
pj81 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Bijleveld F., Cardoso J., “Exposure data and risk indicators for safety performance assessment in Europe”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 60, 2013, pp.371-383.  doi  
pj80 Dupont E., Papadimitriou E., Martensen H., Yannis G., “Multilevel analysis in road safety research”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 60, 2013, pp.402-411.  doi  
pj79 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Is road safety management linked to road safety performance?”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 59, October 2013, pp. 593–603.  doi  
pj78 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., “Pedestrian gap acceptance for mid-block street crossing”, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol.36, Issue 5, 2013, pp.450-462.  doi  
pj77 Beanland V., Lenné M., Fuessl E., Oberlader M., Joshi S., Bellet T., Banet A., Rößger L., Leden L., Spyropoulou I., Yannis G., Roebroeck H., Carvalhais J. Underwood G., “Acceptability of rider assistive systems for powered two-wheelers”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 19, 2013, pp. 63-76.  doi  
pj76 Antoniou C., Yannis G., “State-space based analysis and forecasting of macroscopic road safety trends in Greece”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 60, 2013, pp.268-276.  doi  
pj75 Bergel-Hayat R., Debbarh M., Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Explaining the road accident risk: weather effects”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 60, 2013, pp.456-465.  doi  
pj74 Antoniou C., Koutsopoulos H., Yannis G., “Dynamic data-driven local traffic state estimation and prediction”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 34, 2013, pp. 89-107.  doi  
pj73 Yannis G., Kondyli A., Mitzalis N., “Effect of lighting on frequency and severity of road accidents”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport, Volume 166, Issue 5, October 2013, pp. 271-281.  doi  
pj72 Vardaki S., Yannis G., “Investigating the self-reported behavior of drivers and their attitudes to traffic violations”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 46, 2013, pp. 1-11.  doi  
pj71 Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Critical power two wheeler driving patterns at the emergence of an incident”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 58, 2013, pp.340–345.  doi  
pj70 Christoforou Z., Karlaftis, M., Yannis, G., “Reaction times of young alcohol-impaired drivers”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 61, 2013, pp.54-62.  doi  
pj69 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Voulgari C., “A statistical analysis of the impact of advertising signs on road safety”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol. 20, 2013, No. 2, pp. 111–120.  doi  
pj68 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Petrellis N., “Mobile phone use and traffic characteristics”, Traffic Engineering & Control, 2013, pp.7-11.  doi  
pj67 Papadimitriou E., Ekshler V., Yannis G., Lassarre S., “Modelling the spatial variation of road safety in Greece”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport, Vol. 166, Issue 1, 2012 pp. 49-58.  doi  
pj66 Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Patterns of pedestrian attitudes, perceptions and behaviour in Europe”, Safety Science, Vol. 53, March 2013, Pages 114–122.  doi  
pj65 Yannis G., Louca G., Vardaki S., Kanellaidis G., “Why do drivers exceed speed limits”, European Transport Research Review, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 165-177.  doi  
pj64 Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Assessment of exposure proxies for macroscopic road safety prediction”, Transportation Research Record, Vol.2386, 2013, pp.81-94.  doi  
pj63 Commandeur J., Bijleveld F., Bergel-Hayat R., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “On statistical inference in time series analysis of the evolution of road safety”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 60, 2013, pp.424-434.  doi  
pj62 Yannis G., Weijermars W, Gitelman V., Vis M., Chaziris A., Papadimitriou E., Azevedo C., “Road safety performance indicators for the interurban road network”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 60, 2013, pp.384-395.  doi  
pj61 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “Macroscopic traffic safety data analysis and prediction”, Journal of Transport and Shipping, Vol. 5, 2012, pp. 97-116.  doi  
pj60 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Voulgari C., “Driver distraction and road safety in Greece and internationally”, Journal of Transport and Shipping, Vol.5, 2012, pp.49-64.  doi  
pj59 Yannis G., Kopsaheili A., Klimis P., “Estimating the Adequacy of a Metro Network”, Journal of Urban Planning and Development of ASCE, Vol. 138, Issue 4, 2012, pp. 286-292.    doi  
pj58 Theofilatos A., Graham D., Yannis G., “Factors Affecting Accident Severity Inside and Outside Urban Areas in Greece”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 13, Issue 5, 2012, pp. 458-467.  doi  
pj57 Lassare S., Bonnet E., Bodin F., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “A GIS-based methodology for identifying pedestrians’ crossing patterns”, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol. 36, Issue 4, 2012, pp. 321-330.  doi  
pj56 Yannis G., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Papadimitriou E., Dragomanovits A., Kanellaidis G., “A statistical analysis of motorcycle helmet wearing in Greece”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Issue 27, 2012, pp. 69-82.  doi  
pj55 Vardaki S., Yannis G., “Investigation of the acceptance of a handbook for safe driving at an older age”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol. 19, Issue 1, 2012, pp. 27-36.  doi  
pj54 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Analysis of pedestrian exposure to risk in relation to crossing behaviour”, Transportation Research Record, Issue 2299, 2012, pp. 79-90.  doi  
pj53 Christoforou Z., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Effects of alcohol on speeding and road positioning among young drivers: a driving simulator study”, Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2281, 2012, pp.32-42.  doi  
pj52 Vlahogianni I.E., Yannis G., Golias C.J., “Overview of critical risk factors in Power-Two-Wheeler safety”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 49, 2012, pp. 12–22.  doi  
pj51 Yannis G., Tsoumani A., “Correlating macroscopic road safety parameters in the European Union”, Technika Chronika, Series I, Issue 1/2011, pp. 35-44.  
pj50 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., “Autoregressive nonlinear time-series modeling of traffic fatalities in Europe”, European Transport Research Review, Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 113-127.  doi  
pj49 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., “About pedestrian safety in Europe”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Section A 24, 2011, pp.5-14.  doi  
pj48 Yannis G., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Papadimitriou E., Dragomanovits A., Kanellaidis G., “Parameters affecting seat belt use in Greece”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2011, pp. 189-197.  doi  
pj47 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Katsohis D., “When may road fatalities start to decrease?”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 42, Issue 1, February 2011, pp. 17-25.  doi  
pj46 Kepaptsoglou K., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Effects of a new on-street parking management scheme on demand of a park-and-ride facility: a before – after analysis”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Section B 22, 2010, pp. 75-81.  doi  
pj45 Papadimitriou Ε., Yannis G., Golias J., “Theoretical framework for modeling pedestrians’ crossing behavior along a trip”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 136, Issue 10, 2010, pp. 914-924.  doi  
pj44 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Dupont E., Martensen H., “Estimation of fatality and injury risk by means of in-depth fatal accident investigation data”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 11, No. 5, 2010, pp. 492-502.  doi  
pj43 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Karekla X., Kontodima F., “Mobile phone use by young drivers: effects on traffic speed and headways”, Transportation Planning and Technology,Vol. 33, No. 4, 2010, pp. 385-394.  doi  
pj42 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Vardaki S., Kanellaidis G., “Older Drivers’ Perception and Acceptance of In-Vehicle Devices for Traffic Safety and Traffic Efficiency”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 136, Issue 5, 2010, pp. 472-479.  doi  
pj41 Broughton J., Keigan M., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Chaziris A., Papadimitriou E., Bos N., Hoeglinger S., Perez K., Amoros E., Hollo P., Tecl J., “Estimation of the real number of road casualties in Europe”, Safety science, Vol. 48, March 2010, pp. 365-371.  doi  
pj40 Dupont E., Martensen H., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Risk and protection factors in fatal accidents”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 42, March 2010, pp. 645-653.  doi  
pj39 Christoforou Z., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Heavy vehicle age and road safety”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport, Vol. 163, February 2010, pp. 41-48.  doi  
pj38 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “A critical assessment of pedestrian behaviour models”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2009, pp. 242-255.  doi  
pj37 Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Rogan A., “An integrated scheme for Olympic Village traffic and parking arrangements”, ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2009, pp. 40-49.  doi  
pj36 Petridou E., Yannis G., Terzidis A., Dessypris N., Germeni E., Evgenikos P., Tselenti N., Chaziris A., Skalkidis I., “Linking Emergency Medical Department and Road Traffic Police casualty data: a tool in assessing the burden of injuries in less resourced countries”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2009, pp. 37-43.  doi  
pj35 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., “Impact of enforcement on traffic accidents and fatalities: A multivariate multilevel analysis”, Safety Science, Vol. 46, June 2008, pp. 738-750.  doi  
pj34 Yannis G., Gitelman V., Papadimitriou E., Hakkert A., Winkelbauer M., “Testing a framework for the efficiency assessment of road safety measures”, Transport Reviews, Vol. 28, No. 3, May 2008, pp. 281-301.  doi  
pj33 Yannis G., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Kanellaidis G., “An exploration of road safety parameters in Greece and Turkey “, Journal of Transport and Shipping, Issue 4, December 2007, pp. 125-134.  doi  
pj32 Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou E., “Mobility patterns of moped and motorcycle riders in Greece”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2031, December 2007, pp. 69-75.  doi  
pj31 Yannis G., Kanellaidis G., Dimitropoulos J., Muhlrad N., “Assessment of pedestrian safety measures in Europe”, ITE Journal, Vol. 77, Issue 12, December 2007, pp. 40-48.  doi  
pj30 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., “Modelling crossing behaviour and accident risk of pedestrians”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 133, Issue 11, November 2007, pp.634-644.  doi  
pj29 Yannis G., Antoniou C., “A mixed logit model for the sensitivity analysis of Greek drivers’ behaviour towards enforcement for road safety”, European Transport, Vol. 37, December 2007, pp.62-77.  doi  
pj28 Yannis G., “Road Safety in Greece”, Journal of IATSS, Vol. 31, 2007, No 2, pp. 110-112.  doi  
pj27 Lassarre S., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Measuring accident risk exposure for pedestrians in different micro-environments”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol 39, 2007, pp. 1226-1238.  doi  
pj26 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., “Effects of driver nationality and road characteristics on accident fault risk”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol.14, No.3, 2007, pp. 171-180.  doi  
pj25 Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Travel patterns of three distinct driver age groups in Greece”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport, Volume 160, Issue TR3, August 2007, pp.117-124.  doi  
pj24 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., “Road casualties and enforcement: distributional assumptions of serially correlated count data”, Traffic Injury and Prevention, Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2007, pp.300-308.  doi  
pj23 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., “Accident risk of foreign drivers in various road environments”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 38, 2007, pp. 471-480.  doi  
pj22 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., “Multilevel modelling for the regional effect of enforcement on road accidents” Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 39, 2007, pp. 818–825.  doi  
pj21 Golias J., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Effects of urban delivery restrictions on traffic movements”, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2006, pp. 295-311.  doi  
pj20 Vanlaar W., Yannis G., “Perception of road accident causes”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, No. 38, 2006, pp. 155-161.  doi  
pj19 Thomas P., Morris A., Yannis G., Lejeune P., Wesemann P., Vallet G., Vanlaar W., “Designing the European Road Safety Observatory”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2005, pp. 251-253.  doi  
pj18 Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Integration of weigh-in-motion technologies in road infrastructure management”, ITE Journal, Vol.75, No.1, pp. 39-43, 2005.  doi  
pj17 Yannis G., Kanellopoulou A., Aggeloussi K., Tsamboulas D., “Modelling driver choices towards accident risk reduction”, Safety Science, Vol.43, No. 3, 2005, pp. 173-186.  doi  
pj16 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., “Driver age and vehicle engine size effects on fault and severity in young motorcyclists accidents”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2005, pp. 327-333.  doi  
pj15 Yannis G., “Parameters of the strategy for transport sustainable development in Europe and in Greece”, Environment and Law, Volume 7, No 24, April – June 2003, pp. 324-332.  doi  
pj14 Golias J., Antoniοu C., Yannis G., “A methodology for the estimation of traffic and related impacts of advanced driver assistance systems”. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 7, Numbers 3-4, July-December 2002, pp. 261-277.  doi  
pj13 Golias J., Yannis G., Antoniοu C., “Classification of driver assistance systems according to their impact on road safety and traffic efficiency”. Transport Reviews, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2002, pp. 179-196.  doi  
pj12 Golias J., Yannis G., Harvatis M., “Off-street parking choice sensitivity”, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2002, pp. 333-348.  doi  
pj11 Golias J., Yannis G., Antoniοu C., “Impact of advanced driver assistance systems on urban traffic network conditions”. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, special issue on advanced vehicle control and safety systems, Vol. 1, No.3, 2001, pp. 277-289.  doi  
pj10 Golias J., Yannis G., “Algorithm for the calculation of the impact of delivery vehicle stopping on traffic capacity of an urban road link”. Technika Chronika, Series I, Issue 3/2001, pp.23-33.  doi  
pj9 Kanellaidis G., Muhlrad N., Yannis G., “Pedestrian safety problems and implementation of countermeasures” Journal of IATSS, special feature on nonmotorized transport, Vol.23, No.2, 1999, pp. 15-25.  doi  
pj8 Kanellaidis G., Yannis G., Harvatis M., “Attitude of Greek drivers toward road safety”, Transportation Quarterly, Vol. 53, No.1, 1999, pp. 109-121.  
pj7 Yannis G., Golias J., Kanellaidis G., “A comparative analysis of the potential of international road accident data files”, Journal of IATSS, special feature ITS and safety, Vol.22, No.2, 1998, pp. 111-120.  doi  
pj6 Golias J., Matsoukis E., Yannis G., “An analysis of factors affecting road safety: the Greek experience”, Journal of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, November 1997, pp. 26-48.  doi  
pj5 Golias J., Yannis G., “Determinants of combined transport’s market share”, Transport Logistics, Vol.1, No.4, 1998, pp. 251-26.  doi  
pj4 Yannis G., Matsoukis E., Golias J., “Road Accidents in Greece”, Journal of IATSS, Vol.21, No.1, 1997, pp. 108-109.  doi  
pj3 Yannis G., Golias J., Frantzeskakis J., “Report on national road accident analyses in the EU countries”, Journal of IATSS, special feature on traffic accident analysis and traffic safety policies, Vol.20, No.2, 1996, pp. 60-68.  doi  
pj2 Matsoukis E., Golias J., Yannis G., “An overview of Road Safety in Greece”, Transport Reviews, Vol.16, No.4, 1996, pp. 357-367.  doi  
pj1 Yannis G., “Gestion des flux et stratégie concurrentielle dans le transport”, Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Τransport, No.30, 1995, pp. 3-17.  doi  
Publications in scientific journals of conference proceedings
Publications in conference and seminar proceedings
pc563 Zhang X., Wang X., Abdel-Aty M., Yannis G., Luo G., “Safety contributing factors analysis of elderly vulnerable road users: global and local perspectives”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025    
pc562 Fafouti O., Papadimitriou E., Beratis I., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Stamatelos P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “The traffic behavior of pedestrians with mild Alzheimer’s Disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment in urban areas, and its neuropsychological predictors”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025    
pc561 Michelaraki E., Garefalakis T., Khattak K. W., Adnan M., Papazikou E., Talbot R., Al Haddad C., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G., ” Identifying Crucial Indicators of Task Complexity and Coping Capacity Associated with Crash Risk through Machine Learning Techniques: A Comparative Study using On-Road and Simulator Data”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025    
pc560 Michelaraki E., Garefalakis T., Khattak W. M., Adnan M., Papazikou E., Talbot R., Afghari A. P., Al Haddad C., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Interactions among Road, Vehicle and Driver Risk Factors for the Identification of Safety Tolerance Zone”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025    
pc559 Oikonomou M., Yannis G., “Validation Analysis of Traffic Simulation Safety Metrics with Real-World Crash Data”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025  
pc558 Koliou P., Petraki V., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Unsafe Traffic Events and Crash Occurrences: The Importance of Exploring Their Relationship Using Smartphone App Data”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025    
pc557 Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Examining the Impact of Feedback on Traffic and Safety Behavior of Car Drivers in a Naturalistic Driving Study”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025    
pc556 Garefalakis T., Michelaraki E., Yannis G., “Detection of dangerous driving behaviour using machine learning techniques and big data”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025    
pc555 Tselentis D., Garefalakis T., Nikolaou D., Michelaraki E., Yannis G., “AI-Driven Framework for Real-Time Prediction of Microscopic and Macroscopic Driving Risk Using Holistic Data”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025    
pc554 Laiou A., Yannis G., Malin F., Jankowska-Karpa D., Calheiros R., Van den Berghe W. “Selecting KPIs on enforcement of traffic regulations”, Proceedings of the 36th ICTC Conference, The Hague, 17-18 October 2024.    
pc553 Laiou A., Yannis G., Vadeby A., Cardoso J., Van Schagen I., Tutka P., Kome S., Wardenier N., Van den Berghe W., “Using KPIs to assess speeding”, Proceedings of the 36th ICTC Conference, The Hague, 17-18 October 2024.    
pc552 Michelaraki E., Yannis G., “Assessing the effectiveness of 30km/h speed limit in cities”, Proceedings of the International Road Federation (IRF) 2024 World Congress, Istanbul, 15-18 October 2024    
pc551 Michelaraki E., Garefalakis T., Yannis G., “Quantifying the impact of driver, vehicle and environment on crash risk using big data”, Proceedings of the International Road Federation (IRF) 2024 World Congress, Istanbul, 15-18 October 2024    
pc550 Petraki V., Aggelakis K., Yannis G., “Exploring the Influencing Factors of Active Commuting Choices for Work-Related Trips: The Case of Athens”, Proceedings of the International Road Federation (IRF) 2024 World Congress, Istanbul, 15-18 October 2024    
pc549 Koliou E., Ziakopoulos A., Petraki V., Yannis G., “Exploring the Relationship Between Unsafe Traffic Events and Crash Occurrences Using Smartphone App Data”, Proceedings of the International Road Federation (IRF) 2024 World Congress, Istanbul, 15-18 October 2024    
pc548 Petraki V., Roussou S., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Enhancing cyclist safety: Predictive analysis of injury severity and advocacy for evidence-based interventions”, Proceedings of the International Road Federation (IRF) 2024 World Congress, Istanbul, 15-18 October 2024    
pc547 Kontaxi A., Triantafyllou A., Yannis, G. “Investigation of the Impact of Eco-driving on Fuel Consumption Using Smartphone Data”, Proceedings of the 30th Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress, Dubai, 16-20 September 2024    
pc546 Roussou S., Choumis K., Yannis G., “Enhancing Road Safety: Insights from Delivery Drivers’ Perspectives in Attica Region”, Proceedings of the 30th Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress, Dubai, 16-20 September 2024    
pc545 Sekadakis M., Trösterer S., Moertl P., Yannis G., “Examining Factors Affecting Takeover Time in Automated Driving using Machine Learning Algorithms”, Proceedings of the 30th Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress, Dubai, 16-20 September 2024    
pc544 Michelaraki E., Yannis G., “Exploring the benefits from 30 km/h speed limit to enhance urban sustainability”, Proceedings of the 30th Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) World Congress, Dubai, 16-20 September 2024    
pc543 Vagdatli C., Petraki V., Roussou. J., Yannis G., “Economic Assessment of Free Public Transport in Athens”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc542 Kontaxi A., Agourou C., Yannis G., “Analyzing Acceptance of Reduced Speed Limits on Greek Motorways: A Survey”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc541 Laiou A., Veneris N., Provatari E., Yannis G., “Examining the influence of traffic enforcement on the development of traffic safety culture”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc540 Tsigos S., Michelaraki E., Provatari E., Yannis G., “Exploitation of naturalistic driving data to estimate crash risk through machine learning techniques”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc539 Kaselouris K., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Kallidoni M., Yannis G., “Investigating the Influence of Mobile Phone Use on Driving Behaviour with Machine Learning Analysis”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc538 Roussou S., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Afghari A.P., Al Haddad C., Alam M. R., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Unfolding the dynamics of driving behavior: A machine learning analysis from Germany and Belgium”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024  
pc537 Garefalakis T., Michelaraki E., Roussou S., Katrakazas C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Predicting risky driving behavior with classification algorithms: Results from a large-scale field-trial and simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024  
pc536 Michelaraki E., Garefalakis T., Roussou S., Afghari A. P., Papazikou E., Talbot R., Adnan M., Khattak M. W., Al Haddad C., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Investigating the effect of driver-vehicle-environment interaction with risk through naturalistic driving data”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc535 Petraki V., Roussou S., Katrakazas C., Adnan M., Brijs K., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Unveiling driving behaviour patterns during a naturalistic driving experiment “, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc534 Adnan M., Brijs K., Khattak M. W., Brown L., Talbot R., Al Haddad C., Antoniou C., Petraki V., Yannis G., Brijs T., “Outcome Evaluation of i-DREAMS (H2020 Project) Interventions: Comparison of Multi-Country Driving Behavior”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc533 Ziakopoulos A., Oikonomou M., Sekadakis A., Yannis G., “Safety evaluation via conflict classification during automated shuttle bus service operations”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024  
pc532 Sekadakis Μ., Kallidoni Μ., Katrakazas C., Trösterer S., Marx C., Moertl P., Yannis G., “The HADRIAN Novel Human-Machine Interface Prototype for Automated Driving: Safety and Impact Assessment”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024  
pc531 Roussou S., Ziakopoulos A., Oikonomou M., Yannis G., “Assessing the Impact of Athens Great Walk on VRU Volumes: A Temporal Analysis”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024  
pc530 Petraki V., Ziakopoulos A., Oikonomou M., Roussou S., Yannis G., “Bicycle traffic analysis before and after mobility interventions using crowdsourced data”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc529 Oikonomou M., Ziakopoulos A., Lucchesi S., Olyslagers M., Yannis G., “Traffic simulation and safety assessment requirements for enhancing road safety prediction tools”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc528 Nikolaou D., Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos, Yannis G., Fortsakis P., Frantzola E.K., Sigalos K., Kouridakis G. “Naturalistic Spatial Road Safety Analysis: The SmartMaps Project”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc527 Yannis G., Folla K., Kaselouris K., “Monitoring National Road Safety Strategies in the EU”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc526 Erdelean I., Schaub A., Yannis G., Roussou J., “Road safety in Low- and Middle-Income Countries – Analysis and recommendations”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024    
pc525 Masud S., Mahajan K., Kondyli A., Deliali K., Yannis G., “Leveraging Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict and Analyze Single-Vehicle and Multi-Vehicle Crash Occurrences on Motorways”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 103rd Annual Meeting, Washington, 7-11 January 2024  
pc524 Michelaraki E., Roussou S., Garefalakis T., Adnan M., Khattak M., Brijs T., Yannis, G., “Identifying the Impact of Task Complexity and Coping Capacity on Driving Risk – Comparison among Different Countries and Transport Modes”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 103rd Annual Meeting, Washington, 7-11 January 2024    
pc523 Petraki V., Deliali K., Yannis G. “Review of the literature on the safety of micromobility”, 11th International Cycling Safety Conference, The Hague, 15-17 November 2023    
pc522 Orfanou F., Basta O., Dragomanovits A., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G. ”Traffic Modelling a Case Study for the Port of Chios Island”, Proceedings of the XXVIIth World Road Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-6 October 2023  
pc521 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Mavromatis S. ”Road Safety Audit of Ellinikon Urban Regeneration Project”, Proceedings of the XXVIIth World Road Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-6 October 2023  
pc520 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Deliali K., Tripodi A., Mazzia E., Tiberi P., Sevrovic M., Ljubotina L. ”Development and Pilot Testing of a European Methodology for Network Wide Road Safety Assessment”, Proceedings of the XXVIIth World Road Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2-6 October 2023  
pc519 Makrydakis K., Petraki V., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “Cost Benefit Analysis of reducing speed limits at the Greek interurban road network”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc518 Merakou M., Nikolaou D., Folla K., Yannis G., “Analysis of distraction characteristics due to mobile phone use in Greece”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc517 Krouskos S., Nikolaou D., Folla K., Provatari E., Yannis G., “Analysis of speeding characteristics in Greece”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc516 Kattavenaki K., Pagoni I., Yannis G., “Meta-analysis of the ticket price elasticity for air travel demand”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)  
pc515 Pavlou D., Frintzilas G., Angelopoulou E., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Stanitsa E., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Can we predict safe driving for the elderly through a self-assessment of driving behaviour?”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc514 Giannoulaki M., Orfanos E., Manoura A. M., Gioldasis C., Christoforou Z., Yannis G., “Risk analysis of Western Greece road network using the Highway Safety Manual”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc513 Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Modelling the behaviour of automated vehicles when interacting with pedestrians in jaywalking”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc512 Oikonomou M., Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Goñib A., Lattarulob R., Yannis G., “Impacts of automated driving vehicles on bus depot operation using naturalistic data”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc511 Sekadakis M., Kallidoni M., Katrakazas C., Trösterer S., Marx C., Moertl P., Yannis G., “Impact Assessment of a novel Human-Machine Interface Prototype: A descriptive analysis from the HADRIAN project”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc510 Michelaraki E., Garefalakis T., Roussou S., Katrakazas C., Afghari A., Papazikou E., Talbot R., Al Haddad C., Alam M., Adnan M., Khattak W., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Modelling the inter-relationship among task complexity, coping capacity and crash risk”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc509 Michelaraki E., Garefalakis T., Roussou S., Katrakazas C., Alam M., Al Haddad C., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “How do task complexity and coping capacity influence risk? Findings from a novel naturalistic driving experiment in Greece”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc508 Roussou S., Michelaraki E., Garefalakis T., Katrakazas C., Al Haddad C., Alam M., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Identification of safe driving behavior using an ensemble of machine learning algorithms and data from the i-DREAMS experiment”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc507 Petraki V., Roussou S., Katrakazas C., Alam M., Al Haddad C., Antoniou C., Brijs K., Adnan M., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Evaluation of safety interventions on risky driving behavior using data from a novel naturalistic driving experiment”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc506 Oikonomou M., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Implementing traffic simulation for road safety assessment: A systematic literature review”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc505 Nikolaou D., Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Spatial analysis of telematics surrogate safety measures across road environments”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc504 Deliali K., Dragomanovits A., Kaselouris K., Yannis G., “A novel methodology for crash hotspot identification and network-wide safety ranking”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc503 Folla K., Kallidoni M., Nikolaou D., Yannis G., “Road Safety Key Performance Indicators in Greece”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)    
pc502 Chaudhry A., Haouari R., Papazikou E., Sha H., Singh M. K., Roussou J., Oikonomou M., Ziakopoulos A., Zach M., Thomas P., Quddus M., Morris A., Yannis G., “Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 102nd Annual Meeting, Washington, 8-12 January 2023  
pc501 Mantouka E., Fafoutellis P., Tselentis Dimitrios., Papadimitriou E., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “A Multi-level Approach to Link Smooth Driving with Safe Driver Behavior”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 102nd Annual Meeting, Washington, 8-12 January 2023    
pc500 Oikonomou M., Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., “Safety impacts of autonomous shuttle bus with different operational speeds towards increasing market penetration rate of connected and automated vehicles”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 102nd Annual Meeting, Washington, 8-12 January 2023  
pc499 Pavlou D., Christodoulou G., Yannis G., “The impact of weather conditions and driver characteristics on road safety on rural roads”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc498 Ziakopoulos A., Michelaraki E., Nikolaou D., Folla K., Yannis G., “Association Rule Mining for Island and Mainland Road Crash Injuries in Greece”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc497 Folla K., Papadopoulos N., Yannis G., “The Comparative Evaluation of Road Safety Developments in Greek Regions”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc496 Makri A., Petraki V., Yannis G., “Critical travel time impact factors at the implementation of the Athens Great Walk”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc495 Akritidou S., Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Critical Factors Affecting Mobile Phone Use While Driving Through the Exploitation of Data from Smartphone Sensors”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc494 Kyparissis I., Kontaxi A., Deliali A., Yannis G., “Electric or not? Factors affecting Greek Drivers’ Preference when Purchasing a New Vehicle”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc493 Goulas E., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “Free Public Transport in Athens: a stated preference approach”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc492 Strongylis L., Petraki V., Yannis G., “Critical impact factors of pedestrians traffic combining multiple data sources in Athens”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc491 Georgakopoulos D., Nikolaou D., Roussou J., Yannis G., “The impact of mobility characteristics on public transport and road safety performance in selected European cities”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc490 Petraki V., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., “A socioeconomic analysis for a green traffic restrictions scheme in Athens”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc489 Pavlou D., Oikonomou M., Yannis G., “The impact of cognitive disorders and other risk factors on reaction time of drivers: a Structural Equation Model approach”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc488 Yannis G., Oikonomou M., Papatzikou E., Petraki V., Chaziris A., Vlahogianni E., Papadakos P., “Traffic Impacts of Innovative Traffic and Parking Arrangements in Athens, Greece”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc487 Chaziris A., Yannis G., “A critical assessment of Athens Traffic Restrictions using multiple data sources”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc486 Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Sekadakis M., Chaziris A., Yannis G., “Was average speed affected by the COVID-19 response measures? Findings from Athens, Greece”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc485 Oikonomou M., Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Hillebrand J., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Traffic & Environmental Impact Assessment Under Distinct Operational Speeds For Automated Shuttle Bus Services”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc484 Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Clement P., Prueggler A., Yannis G., “Safety impact assessment for seamless interactions through Human-Machine Interfaces: Indicators, requirements, and practical considerations”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc483 Brijs K., Adnan M., Ross V., Cuenen A., Katrakazas C., Michelaraki E., Filtness A., Talbot R., Hancox G., Gruden C., Wets G., Yannis G., Brijs T., “Effectiveness of real-time and post-trip interventions from the H2020 i-DREAMS naturalistic driving project: a sneak preview”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc482 Brijs K., Ross V., Vos B., Filtness A., Talbot R., Hancox G., Pilkington-Cheney F., Katrakazas C., Michelaraki E., Yannis G., Kaiser S., Furian G., Lourenço A., Wets G., Brijs T., “Framework for behaviour change implemented in real-time and post-trip interventions of the H2020 i-DREAMS naturalistic driving project”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc481 Kallidoni M., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Investigation of the time spent in dangerous driving conditions: Findings from the i-DREAMS project”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc480 Michelaraki E., Kallidoni M., Katrakazas C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “How to Define a Safety Tolerance Zone for Speed?”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc479 Hu B., Ponweiser W., Ziakopoulos A., Roussou J., Chaudhry A., Oikonomou M., Gebhard S., Zwart R., Weijermars W., Veisten K., Hartveit K., Brackstone M., Thomas P., Yannis G., “The impacts of automated urban delivery and consolidation”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc478 Ziakopoulos A., Roussou J., Chaudhry A., Hu B., Zach M., Oikonomou M., Veisten K., Hartveit K., Brackstone M., Vlahogianni E., Thomas P., Yannis G., “The LEVITATE Policy Support Tool of Connected and Automated Transport Systems”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc477 Orfanou F., Toettel L., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Identifying the automated vehicle driving policy in the vicinity of pedestrian”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc476 Orfanou F., Mintsis E., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Simulation platform from data collection to impact assessment of autonomous vehicles”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc475 Dragomanovits A., Deliali A., Tripodi A., Tiberi P., Mazzia E., Sevrovic M., Ljubotina L., and Yannis G., “A methodology for the network-wide, in-built safety assessment of roads”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc474 Deliali A., Ziakopoulos A., Dragomanovits A., Handanos I., Karadimas C., Fortsakis P., Yannis G., “Establishing the relationship between crashes and unsafe driver behaviors in motorway segments”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc473 Yannis G., Folla K., Nikolaou D., Chaziris A., Kallidoni M., Georgiopoulos S., Parisis M., “Assessing Driver Safety Behaviour in Greece”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc472 Van den Berghe W., Silverans P., Boudry E., Boets S., Aarts L., Bijleveld F., Folla K., Yannis G., “The Baseline project: Key Performance Indicators for Road Safety in EU countries, based on a common methodology for data collection and analysis”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022  
pc471 Nævestad T., Størkersen K., Laiou A., Michelaraki E., Yannis G., “Potential safety outcomes of communication difficulties in mixed nationality crews: A study of Greek and Norwegian vessels”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc470 Mylonas C., Mitsakis E., Aifandopoulou G., Stavara M., Tzanis D., Yannis G., Laiou A., “Harmonization of National Access Points to Intelligent Transport Systems data: A data content and added value perspective”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc469 Kallidoni M., Nikolaou D., Folla K., Yannis G., “EU countries’ ranking in different road crash types”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc468 Yannis G., Laiou A., Dragomanovits A., Nikolaou D., Michelaraki E., Folla K., Kallidoni M., Georgiopoulos S., Parisis M., “Effective road safety measures in Greece”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc467 Yannis G., Laiou A., Dragomanovits A., Nikolaou D., Folla K., Michelaraki E., Kallidoni M., Apostoleris K., Mavromatis S., Georgiopoulos S., Parisis M., “Development of the road safety strategic plan in Greece, 2021-2030”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2022 Conference, Lisbon, 14-17 November 2022    
pc466 Van den Berghe W., Silverans P., Vanhove S., Boets S., Daniels S., Aarts L., Bijleveld F., Folla K., Yannis G., “The Baseline project: Key Performance Indicators for Road Safety in EU countries, based on a common methodology for data collection and analysis”, Proceedings of the 19th Road Safety on Five Continents Conference, Grapevine, Texas, 10-12 October 2022  
pc465 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Roussou J., Nikolaou D., “Development and implementation of a methodology for the economic appraisal of road infrastructure safety schemes”, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design, Amsterdam, 26-29 June 2022    
pc464 Orfanou F., Dragomanovits A., Mavrogeorgis T., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Urban Street Network Upgrade for the New Intercity Bus Terminal in the City of Athens”, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design, Amsterdam, 26-29 June 2022    
pc463 Frantzola E., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “Impact of Road and Traffic Characteristics on Driver Behaviour and Safety Using Data from Smartphones”, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design, Amsterdam, 26-29 June 2022    
pc462 Mavromatis S., Matragos V., Apostoleris K., Vardaki S., Yannis G., “Superelevation Transition Assessment on Rural Roads with Reverse Consecutive Horizontal Curves”, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Highway Geometric Design, Amsterdam, 26-29 June 2022    
pc461 Typa D., Nikolaou D., Yannis G., “Investigation of traffic and safety behavior of pedestrians while talking on mobile phone”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc460 Varela A., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., “Identification of safety-critical events on rural roads using a driving simulator”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc459 Bardi F., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., “Factors contributing to safety-critical events in urban areas: A driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022.    
pc458 Tzoutzoulis D., Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Exploring critical driving parameters affecting speeding using data from smartphones”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc457 Kokkali K., Ziakopoulos A., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “Correlation of declared and revealed driver behaviour using smartphone sensors”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc456 Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Assessing Driving Performance of Older Drivers – A Literature Review”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc455 Pavlou D., Fortsakis P., Yannis G., “Design of an on-road driving experiment on assessing driving behavior of older drivers”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc454 Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Michelaraki E., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Identifying crucial factors of the impact of COVID-19 on driving behaviour using feature analysis on naturalistic driving data”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc453 Vardaki S., Dickerson A., Beratis I., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “The Demands of Road Environments as Perceived by Vulnerable Road Users”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc452 Petraki V., Papantoniou P., Yiannis G., “How environmental charging policies affect urban road safety?”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc451 Nævestad T., Laiou A., Yannis G., “The role of values in road safety culture: Are motorcycle riders’ higher accident risk a result of their appreciation of freedom to take risk?”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc450 Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Santucciob E., Mörtlb P., Yannis G., “A review of risk factors associated with elderly, truck and office worker drivers for automated driving applications”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc449 Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Kaiser S., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Real-Time Monitoring of Driver Distraction: State-of-the-art and Future Insights”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc448 Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Filtness A., Talbot R., Hancox G., Gruden C., Cuenen A., Brijs K., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Methodology for the Evaluation of Safety Interventions”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc447 Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Afghari A., Papadimitriou E., Al Haddad C., Yang K., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Modeling the concept of a Safety Tolerance Zone: State-of-the-art and proposed alternatives”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc446 Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Discovering the influence of feedback on driver behavior through a multiphase experiment based on a smartphone application”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc445 Ziakopoulos A., Roussou J., Chaudhry A., Boghani H., Hu B., Zach M., Oikonomou M., Veisten K., Hartveit K., Vlahogianni E., Thomas P., Yannis G., “Methodological framework of creating the Levitate Policy-Support Tool for Connected and Automated Transport Systems”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc444 Dragomanovits A., Basta O., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Road Safety Audit Implementation – an international inquiry”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc443 Tiberi P., Tripodi A., Dragomanovits A., Deliali A., Yannis G., “A state-of-the-art Review on Crash Occurrence Analysis and Hazardous Location Identification”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc442 Dragomanovits A., Basta O., Deliali A., Yannis G., “A state-of-practice review on Crash Prediction Modelling”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc441 Yiannis G., Nikolaou D., Dragomanovits A., “Investigation of accident modelling data in Greece”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc440 Papantoniou P., Gonidi C., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “Which driving performance parameters affect speeding? A naturalistic driving experiment”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc439 Tešić M., Folla K., Yannis G., “Exploring the development of an open data platform for road safety KPIs”, Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation Conference, Athens, 8-10 June 2022    
pc438 Gasparinatou C., Oikonomou M., Tympakanaki A., Casas J., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Passenger Car Unit Values of Connected Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Road Networks”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 101st Annual Meeting, (Washington, 9-13 January 2022).  
pc437 Tympakianaki A., Nogues L., Casas J., Brackstone M., Oikonomou M., Vlahogianni E., Djukic T., Yannis G., “Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Networks: A simulation-based Assessment”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 101st Annual Meeting, (Washington, 9-13 January 2022).  
pc436 Asmelash A., Wang X., Zaidi Z., Yannis G., “Traffic Fatality Trends of Seven Developed Countries since 1970 –Assessment, Analysis, and Forecast”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 101st Annual Meeting, (Washington, 9-13 January 2022).
pc435 Yannis G., Chaziris A., “Transport System and Infrastructure”, Proceedings of the XXV International Conference Living and Walking in Cities, organised by the Universita Degli Studi di Brescia (Brescia, on 9-10 September 2021).  
pc434 Demicoli A., Yannis G., Lewis O, “Driver Perception-Reaction Times in Level 3 Automated Vehicles”, Proceedings of the 18th IRF World Meeting & Exhibition (7-10 November 2021).    
pc433 Chalkia E., Bekiaris E. Yannis G., “Usability with a twist: A conceptual model for including emotions into User Interface evaluation”, Proceedings of the 7th HUMANIST Conference (26 & 27 October 2021).    
pc432 Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., Frantzola E., Kalokathi F., Kaiser S., Brijs K., Brijs T., “A Review of Real-Time Safety Intervention Technologies”, Proceedings of the 7th HUMANIST Conference (26 & 27 October 2021).    
pc431 Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., Filtness A., Talbot R., Hancox G., Pilkington-Cheney F., Brijs T., Brijs K., Ross V., Dirix H., Neven A., Paul R., Fortsakis P., Frantzola E., Taveira R., “State-of-the-art Technologies for Post-Trip Safety Interventions”, Proceedings of the 7th HUMANIST Conference (26-27 September 2021).    
pc430 Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Kostoulas G., “Monitoring and Improving Driving Behaviour of Motorcyclists Through an Innovative Smartphone Application”, Proceedings of the 7th HUMANIST Conference (26-27 September 2021).    
pc429 Oikonomou M., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “The traffic and safety effect of smartphone texting and web surfing during driving in cities: A driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention (18-20 October 2021).    
pc428 Kyriazopoulos V., Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Towards Data Driven Traffic Modelling: Safe Driving Based on Reinforcement Learning”, Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (19-22 September 2021).    
pc427 Mihou Archimandritou Y., Kallidoni M., Theofilatos A.,Yannis G., “Comparative Investigation of Road Accident Cost in The European Union”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc426 Asimomiti M., Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “What is the area of influence of a vehicle on the road? Theoretical Aspects and Some empirical Findings”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).  
pc425 Spanou P., Pavlou D., Michelaraki E., Kehagia F., Yannis G., “The impact of weather conditions and driver characteristics on road safety”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc424 Maragkoudakis V., Kontaxi A., Deliali K., Yannis G., “Public opinion on e-scooters in Athens: a stated preference approach”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc423 Priftis G., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “Public opinion on Flying Autonomous Vehicles in Greece: a stated preference approach”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc422 Folla K., Charalampidi M., Yannis G., “Investigation of factors affecting serious crash injuries in Europe”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc421 Vraka N., Chaziris A., Yannis G., “Feasibility study of pedestrian bridge construction in urban arterials in Athens”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc420 Mavromatis S., Pasias P., Matragos V., Dragomanovits A., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., “Design Considerations of Compound Alignments Resulting from Visibility Restrictions by Median Jersey Barriers”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc419 Yannis G., Tsianos T., Serraos K., “Urban Planning Standards and transportation planning”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc418 Nikolaou D., Dragomanovits A., Efstathiadis S., Diaconu S., Yannis G., “Best practice for safe roads around schools”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc417 Michelaraki E., Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “A four-country comparative overview of the impact of COVID-19 on traffic safety behavior”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc416 Petraki V., Papantoniou P., Gonidi C., Yannis G., “Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis for Electromobility in the Region of Attica”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc415 Orfanou F., Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Action Plan for promoting electromobility in the Region of Attica”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc414 Van den Berghe W., Silverans P., Boudry E., Aarts L., Bijleveld F., Folla K., Yannis G., “A Common Methodology for the Collection of Key Performance Indicators for Road Safety in the EU”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc413 Michelaraki E., Nikolaou D., Yannis G., “Assessment of the evolution of road safety in Greece”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc412 Yannis G., Laiou A., Dragomanovits A., Nikolaou D., Folla K., Apostoleris K., Mavromatis S., Georgiopoulos S., Parisis M., “Development of the Road Safety Strategic Plan in Greece 2021-2030”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc411 Nævestad T., Phillips R., Ranestad K., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Fatigue among HGV drivers in Norway and Greece: examining the influence of national road safety culture”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc410 Nævestad T., Bjørnskau T., Laiou A., O. Phillips R., Yannis G., “Clash of cultures in Greek traffic? What happens when a Southern European road safety culture is mixed with a Northern European road safety culture?”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc409 Yannis G., Folla K., Anagnostopoulou A., Kourousia C., Tromaras A., “Challenges, Opportunities and Constraints of Open Science in Transport Research”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc408 Kontaxi A., Frantzola E., Ziakopoulos A., Kostoulas G., Yannis G., “Investigation of speeding and aggressive behavior of professional drivers on highways through an innovative smartphone application”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc407 Petraki V., Korentzelou A., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., “Investigating the acceptance of environmental parking charging and congestion charging in urban centers in Greece”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc406 Yannis G., Mavromatis S., Tselentis D., Georgiopoulos S., “Lessons Learned from Bicycle Traffic Rules in OECD Countries”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc405 Papantoniou P., Gonidi C., Papantzikou E., Chaziris A., Papadakos P., Nikolaou D., Folla K., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Analysis of traffic and parking characteristics in Athens”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc404 Yannis G., Vlachogianni E., Papatzikou E., Papadakos P., Oikonomou M., “Traffic Impact Assessment of Innovative Traffic and Parking Measures in the Center of Athens”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc403 Yannis G., Gonidi C., Petraki V., Papatzikou E., Oikonomou M., Chaziris A., Papantoniou P., Papadakos P., Vlachogianni E., “Traffic impact assessment of the pilot implementation of Athens Great Walk”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc402 Oikonomou M., Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Identifying KPIs for the safety assessment of autonomous vehicles through traffic microsimulation”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc401 Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Santuccio E., Mörtl P., Yannis G., “Key Performance Indicators for safe fluid interactions within automated vehicles”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc400 Ziakopoulos A., Roussou J., Boghani H., Hu B., Zach M., Veisten K., Liland Hartveit K., Oikonomou M., Vlahogianni E., Thomas P., Yannis G., “Forecasting impacts of Connected and Automated Transport Systems within the Levitate project”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc399 Oikonomou M., Mourtakos V., Roussou J., Ziakopoulos A., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Impacts of autonomous transit services on urban networks: The case of Athens, Greece”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc398 Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Modelling the Safety Tolerance Zone: Recommendations from the i-DREAMS project”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).    
pc397 Yang K., Al Haddad C., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Driving Behavior Safety Levels: Classification and Evaluation”, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (16-17 June 2021).    
pc396 Amini R., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Al Haddad ., De Vos B., Cuenen A., Yannis G., Brijs T., Antoniou C., “Risk scenario designs for driving simulator experiments”, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (16-17 June 2021).    
pc395 Korentzelou A., Petraki V., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., “Investigating the acceptance of an environmental transport charging policy. The case of Athens”, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (16-17 June 2021).    
pc394 Al Haddad C., Yang K., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Exploring driving behavior as a latent variable in safety modeling. A preliminary analysis from a driving simulator study.”, Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), (3-4 February 2021).  
pc393 Yannis G., Nikolaou D., Folla K., “Tourism and traffic accidents in Greece”, at Road Safety Culture, Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, organised by LaHeRS (20-21 November 2020).    
pc392 Nikolaou P., Folla K., Dimitriou L., Yannis G., “European Countries’ Road Safety Evaluation by Τaking Ιnto Αccount Multiple Classes of Fatalities”, Proceedings of the 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2020, organised by KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE), University of Cyprus (16-18 September 2020).    
pc391 Plati C., Pomoni M., Loizos A., George Y., “Stochastic Prediction of Short-Term Friction Loss of Asphalt Pavements: A Traffic Dependent Approach”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements, virtual, Zurich, (1-3 July 2020).    
pc390 Oikonomou M., Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Impacts of Autonomous Shuttle Services on Traffic, Safety and Environment for Future Mobility Scenarios”, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2020, virtual, Greece (20-23 September 2020).    
pc389 Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “A taxonomy of skills and knowledge for efficient autonomous vehicle operation”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (Virtual CSUM2020), organised by The University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering, Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory – TTLog (17-19 June 2020).    
pc388 Papantoniou P., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., “Investigating the correlation of mobile phone use with trip characteristics recorded through smartphone sensors”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (Virtual CSUM2020), organised by The University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering, Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory – TTLog (17-19 June 2020).    
pc387 Folla K., Nikolaou P., Dimitriou L., Yannis G., “Benchmarking Analysis of Road Safety Levels for an Extensive and Representative Dataset of European Cities”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (Virtual CSUM2020), organised by The University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering, Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory – TTLog (17-19 June 2020).    
pc386 Orfanou F., Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “A comparative gap analysis for electromobility and alternative fuels”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (Virtual CSUM2020), organised by The University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering, Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory – TTLog (17-19 June 2020).    
pc385 Chalkia E., Bekiaris E., Yannis G, “Affective interfaces: a conceptual framework of emotional design at mobile routing applications”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.  
pc384 Ropaka M., Nikolaou D., Yannis G., “Investigation of traffic and safety behaviour of pedestrians texting or web-surfing”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc383 Pavlou D., Kyriakouli E., Yannis G., “Analysis of the impact of nighttime driving to drivers’ behavior in rural roads through a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc382 Boulougari A., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., “Driver choices towards ride sharing in Athens”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc381 Chaireti M., Kontaxi A., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Investigation of the impact of weather conditions to young drivers’ behaviour and safety in cities”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc380 Michelaraki E., Kontaxi A., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., “Correlation of driver behaviour and fuel consumption using data from smartphones”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc379 Parmaksizoglou I., Tselentis D., Yannis G., “Spatial analysis of driver safety behaviour using data from smartphones”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc378 Kourtis E.-M., Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Modelling the economic impacts of road crashes in Greece”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc377 Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Elderly drivers with brain disorders: Is their driving behavior the same before and after an unexpected incident?”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc376 Franklin J.R., Böhm M., Jones S., Kovacikova T., Nowicka K., Rowinski R., Folla K., Yannis G., “Exploring the Establishment of a European Transport Research Cloud”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc375 Nævestad T.-O., Bjørnskau T., Laiou A., Phillips R., Yannis G., “Clash of cultures in Greek traffic? What happens when a Southern European road safety culture is mixed with a Northern European road safety culture?”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc374 Nikolaou D., Goldenbeld C., Ziakopoulos A., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Road user safety attitudes towards driver fatigue”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc373 Yannis G., Laiou A., Dragomanovits A., Basta O., Christoforou Z., Seidowsky R., “Cycling under the influence of alcohol and drugs: current situation and risks”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc372 Broos J., Vanhaverbeke L., Orfanou F., Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Embracing Electromobility in Europe: Analysis of good practices and their Transferability in nine European Regions”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc371 Yannis G., Mavromatis S., Folla K., Laiou A., Nikolaou D., Zammataro S., Funk J., Theofilatos A., Welsh R., Talbot R., Fernandez E., Sogodel V., Wismans J., Kluppels L., Carnis L., Mignot D., “Identification of Road Safety Risk Factors in Africa”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc370 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Laiou A., Basta O., Wang X., “Road Safety Modelling: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approach”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc369 Yannis G., Folla K., Nikolaou D., Dragomanovits A., Wang X., “Development of a Platform for Global Road Safety Data Analysis”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc368 Ziakopoulos A., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., Fortsakis P., Kontonasios K.-N., Kostoulas G., “Advanced driver monitoring using smartphone applications: The BeSmart project”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc367 Tselentis D., Kostoulas G., Kontonasios K.-N., Fortsakis P., Yannis G., “Driver feedback during naturalistic driving experiments: A review of types, methods and future challenges”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc366 Orfanou F., Vaa T., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Towards behavioral models for autonomous driving acceptance”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc365 Brijs T., Brijs K., Kaiser S., Talbot R., Lourenço A., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Avenoso A., Wets G., “i-DREAMS: an Intelligent Driver and Road Environment Assessment and Monitoring System”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.  
pc364 Kaiser S., Furian G., Senitschnig N., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., Brijs T., “State of the art on measuring driver state and technology-based risk prevention and mitigation: Findings from the i-DREAMS project”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc363 Dragomanovits A., Yannis G., Roussou J., Elvik R., Hu B., Millonig A., Filtness A., Thomas P., “Developing a Policy Support Tool for Connected and Automated Transport Systems”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc362 Roussou J., Yannis G., Hu B., Papazikou E., Boghani H., Filtness A., Thomas P., “A Review on Societal Impacts of the Future Connected and Automated Transport Systems”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.    
pc361 Mavromatis S., Matragos V., Liza R., Apostoleris K., Grammatikopoulos L., Yannis G., “Passing Sight Distance Assessment through the Interaction of Road-Vehicle Parameters”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C., 12-16 January 2020).    
pc360 Ropaka M., Nikolaou D., Yannis G., “Investigation of Traffic and Safety Behavior of Pedestrians Texting or Web-Surfing”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C., 12-16 January 2020).    
pc359 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Roussou J., Nikolaou D., “Economic Assessment of Road Infrastructure Safety Schemes in Greece Using Crash Prediction Methodology”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C., 12-16 January 2020).    
pc358 Yannis G., Folla K., Giagkou D., “The Effect of Mobility Characteristics on Road Safety in European Cities”, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Polis Conference, organised by POLIS, the European Cities Network (Brussels, Belgium, 27-28 November 2019).    
pc357 Chalkia E., Bekiaris E., Yannis G., “Transport mode ON: How to set a discrete choice survey to predict commuters’ mode preferences”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc356 Fafoutellis P., Kampitakis E., Vlahogianni E., Koziris N., Yannis G., Golias J., “Mining spatiotemporal features of city traffic”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc355 Kakridoni E., Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Investigation of Sustainable Mobility Plans in Universities of the Mediterranean Region”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc354 Panagiotopoulou M., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., “Self-assessment and Road Behavior”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc353 Kokkinakis A., Kontaxi A., Tselentis D., Yannis G., “Identification of Critical Driving Parameters Affecting Speeding Using Data from Smartphones”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc352 Stefatou A., Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Nævestad T.-O., Bjornskau T., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Greek driver attitudes towards aggressive driving”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc351 Nikolaou D., Folla K., Bellos E., Yannis G., “Tourism and Road Accidents in Greece”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc350 Yannis G., Böhm M., Franklin J.R., Jones S., Kovacikova T., Nowicka K., Folla K., “Open Science in Transportation Research”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc349 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Roussou J., Nikolaou D., “Methodology for the the economic assessment of road safety interventions”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc348 Nævestad T.O., Bjornskau T., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Road Safety Culture Among Car Drivers and Motorcycle Riders in Greece: Examining Influencing Factors”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc347 Yannis G., Laiou A., Gonidi C., Dragomanovits A., Basta O., Christoforou Z., Seidowsky R., “Impaired cycling and crash involvement in OECD countries”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc346 Orfanou F., Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Embracing Εlectromobility in Greece: Review of good practices in the Region of Attica”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc345 Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Tselentis D., Yannis G., “A Review of the Impact of Driver Distraction on Driving Behavior and Road Safety”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc344 Yannis G., Mavromatis S., Laiou A., Folla K., Nikolaou D., “Thematic Fact Sheets on Road Safety Risk Factors in Africa – A Knowledge and Management Tool”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).    
pc343 Gavalas O., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “Association of Expressed Driving Anger with Driving Performance Combining Simulator and Survey Data”, Proceedings of the RSS – Road Safety and Simulation 2019 International Conference, organised by the Iowa University (Iowa, USA, 14-17 October 2019).    
pc342 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Pavlou D., “Can structural equation models assess overall driving performance in driving simulator experiments?”, Proceedings of the RSS – Road Safety and Simulation 2019 International Conference, organised by the Iowa University (Iowa, USA, 14-17 October 2019).    
pc341 Ziakopoulos A., Rosenbloom T., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “A review of the interactions between Autonomous Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users”, Proceedings of the RSS – Road Safety and Simulation 2019 International Conference, organised by the Iowa University (Iowa, USA, 14-17 October 2019).    
pc340 Shingo Usami D., Persia L., Meta E., Yannis G., Mavromatis S., Fava A., Azarko A., “Improving road safety knowledge in Africa through crowdsourcing: the African Road Safety Observatory”, Proceedings of the AIIT 2nd International Congress on Transport Infrastructure and Systems in a Changing World, organised by AIIT, the Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering (Rome, Italy, 23-24 September 2019).    
pc339 Diaz E.C., Tormo Lancero M.T., Mora P.V., Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Shaping the mobility in university campuses throughout ICT solutions”, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS OF THE FUTURE – mobil.TUM 2019, organised by the Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering (TSE), Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Munich (TUM) (Munich, Germany, 11-12 September 2019).    
pc338 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Pavlou D., “How an unexpected event affects overall driving performance?”, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS OF THE FUTURE – mobil.TUM 2019, organised by the Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering (TSE), Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Munich (TUM) (Munich, Germany, 11-12 September 2019).    
pc337 Tselentis D., Folla K., Agathangelou V., Yannis G.,“Investigating the Correlation between Driver’s Characteristics and Safety Performance”, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.    
pc336 Tselentis D., Folla K., Vittoratou N., Yannis G., Golias J.,“Investigation of the correlation between stated and revealed driving behaviour using data collected from on-board diagnostics (OBD) devices”, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.  
pc335 Tselentis D., Gonidi C., Yannis G.,“Driving speed model development using driving data obtained from smartphone sensors”, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.    
pc334 Tselentis D., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Kavouras L., “Hybrid Data Envelopment Analysis for Large-Scale Smartphone Data Modeling“, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.    
pc333 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Pavlou D., “How unexpected events affect lateral position variability?“, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.    
pc332 Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Moraitis C., “Impacts of large urban regeneration projects: The case of the new Athens Intercity Bus Terminal“, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.    
pc331 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., Attard M., Regattieri A., Piana F., Pilati F., “Development a Sustainable Mobility Action Plan for University Campuses“, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.    
pc330 Pomoni M., Laiou A., Plati C., Yannis G., Loukea M., Bekiaris E., “Future trends in transport workforce based on demographic, behavioural, cultural and socioeconomic factors“, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.    
pc329 Theofilatos A., Folla K., Laiou A., Mavromatis S., Yannis G., “Identifying infrastructure risk factors in Africa“, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.    
pc328 Iliopoulou C., Laios I., Kepaptsoglou K., Yannis G., “Ex-Ante Evaluation of Optimal Mixed Transit Fleet Management Plans“, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 13-17 January 2019.    
pc327 Katrakazas C., Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Time series classification using imbalanced learning for real-time safety assessment“, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 13-17 January 2019.    
pc326 Tselentis D., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Investigating the Temporal Evolution of Driving Safety Efficiency Using Data Collected from Smartphone Sensors“, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 13-17 January 2019.    
pc325 Stavrakaki A.M., Tselentis D., Barmpounakis E., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “How much driving data do we need to assess driver behavior?“, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 13-17 January 2019.    
pc324 Vachaviolos D., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Critical driver behaviour and risk factors in Europe“, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc323 Nikolaou D., Folla A., Yannis G., “The effect of socioeconomics and transportation conditions on road safety in the European Union”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc322 Papantoniou P., Voutsina D., Yannis G., Pavlou D., “Comparative analysis of young drivers behaviour in normal and simulated conditions in urban environment”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc321 Papalymperis P., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., “Analysis of the impact of autonomous vehicles to travel behaviour”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc320 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., “Investigating average speed after an unexpected event through a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc319 Tselentis D., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Koziris N., “Quantifying the Need for Driving Data Collection in Driving Behaviour Assessment Using Smartphone Data”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc318 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Kopelias P., Papadimitriou F., “Exploration of real-time crash likelihood of Powered-Two Wheelers in Greece”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc317 Vlahogianni E., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Leopold F., Polders E., Brijs T., Durso C., Diamandouros K., “How is Older Drivers Safety enhanced by In-Vehicle Assistance Systems?”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc316 Nævestad T.O., Laiou A., Bjørnskau T., Phillips R., Yannis G., “Safety culture among private and professional drivers: Norway and Greece”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc315 Yannis G., Mavromatis S., Laiou A., Folla A., “The African Road Safety Observatory – African RSO”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc314 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Folla A., Nikolic N., Molnar E., “SafeFITS: A Global Road Safety Model”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc313 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Thomas P., Theofilatos A., Filtness A, “Overview of the SafetyCube project: Towards a European Road Safety Decision Support System”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.    
pc312 Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Margaritis D., Thomas P., Morris A., Brown L., Robibaro M., Usami D.S., Phan V., Davidse R., Buttler I., “A preliminary analysis of in-depth accident data for powered two-wheelers and bicycles in Europe”, Proceedings of the International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury – IRCOBI 2018, Athens, Greece, 12 September 2018.    
pc311 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Tselentis D., Yuan Q., “Exploring Weather Effects on Powered-Two-Wheeler Safety on Urban Arterials in Athens”, Proceedings of the 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation – hEART2018, NTUA, Athens, Greece, 5-7 September 2018.    
pc310 Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Selected Road Safety Measures”, Proceedings of the 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation – hEART2018, NTUA, Athens, Greece, 5-7 September 2018.    
pc309 Nævestad T., Laiou A., Størkersen K., Phillips R., Yannis G., Bjørnskau T., Amundsen A., “Maritime safety culture and safety behaviours in Greece and Norway: comparing professional seafarers and private leisure boat users”, Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2018, NTNU, Norway, 17-21 June 2018.    
pc308 Størkersen K.V., Laiou A., Nævestad T.O., Yannis G., “Production and protection. Seafarers’ handling of pressure in gemeinschaft and gesellshaft”, Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2018, NTNU, Norway, 17-21 June 2018.    
pc307 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Exploring Crash Injury Severity on Urban Motorways by Applying Finite Mixture Models”, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport Urban Mobility – Shaping the Future Together, Munich, 13-14 June 2018.    
pc306 Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., “How an unexpected incident affects speed related driving performance measures”, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport Urban Mobility – Shaping the Future Together, Munich, 13-14 June 2018.    
pc305 Vlahogianni E., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Attard M., Regattieri A., Piana F., Pilati F., “Analysis of Mobility patterns in selected University Campus Areas”, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility – CSUM 2018, Skiathos Island, Greece, 24-25 May 2018.    
pc304 Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Attard M., Valero Mora P., Campos Diaz E., Tormo Lancero M.T., “Investigating Mobility Gaps in University Campuses”, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility – CSUM 2018, Skiathos Island, Greece, 24-25 May 2018.    
pc303 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Folla K., Nikolic N., Molnar E., “SafeFITS – A global model as a tool for road safety policy making”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference “Road Safety in Local Community”, Serbia, Kopaonik, Hotel Kraljevi Cardaci, 18-21 April 2018.    
pc302 Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Combining data mining techniques to investigate crash severity in urban motorways”, Proceedings of the 8th International Expert Symposium on Accident Research (ESAR), Hannover, 19-20 April 2018.  
pc301 Pomoni M., Laiou A., Plati C., Yannis G., Loukea M., Bekiaris E., “Demographic, Behavioural, Cultural and Socioeconomic Factors on Transport Sector Workforce in Europe”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc300 La Torre F., Tanzi N., Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Richter T., Ruhl S., Karathodorou N., Graham D., “Accident prediction in European countries – development of a practical evaluation tool”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.
pc299 Linardou M., Spyropoulou I., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Impact of mobile phone use on driving performance: findings from a simulator study”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc298 Pavlou D., Gkouskou A., Yannis G., “The impact of roadside advertising on safe driving behaviour in cities: A driving simulator approach”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc297 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Compensatory driving behaviour of older drivers with Parkinson’s disease. Is it sufficient to counterbalance their driving difficulties? “, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc296 Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Investigating which factors affect lateral position variability through a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc295 Folla K., Yannis G., Laiou A., Brandstaetter C., Bauer R., Machata K., “Characteristics of Single Vehicle Accidents in Europe”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc294 Nævestad T.O., Størkersen K., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Safety culture in maritime cargo transport in Norway and Greece: which factors predict unsafe maritime behaviours?”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc293 Yannis G., Mavromatis S., Laiou A., Folla K., Tripodi A., Persia L., Usami D., Meta E., “Developing the African Road Safety Observatory”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc292 Ziakopoulos A., Botteghi G., Macaluso G., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E. , Yannis G. , Diamandouros K. , Arampidou K., “Can light engineering measures make a difference? An overview of the effect of delineation and signage on road safety”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc291 Papadimitriou E., Machata K., Bauer R., Stadlbauer S., Soteropoulos A., Daniels S., Elvik R., Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Safety effects of infrastructure road safety measures”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc290 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Thomas P., Filtness A., Martensen H., Van den Berghe W., Diependaele K., Elvik R., Machata K., Kaiser S., Aigner-Breuss E., Weijermars W., Hermitte T., Thomson R., “SafetyCube – the European Road Safety Decision Support System”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc289 Papadimitriou E., Tselentis D., Yannis G., “Analysis of Driving Behaviour Characteristics Based on Smartphone Data”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.    
pc288 Mavromatis S., Apostoleris K., Laiou A., Yannis G., Psarianos B., “Acceleration Impact Investigation for Control Road Geometry Parameters”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 7-11 January 2018.    
pc287 Beratis I., Andronas N., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Pavlou D., Economou A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Cognitive Deficits and Driving Ability in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 7-11 January 2018.    
pc286 Beratis I., Stanitsa E., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Kontari P., Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Economou A., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “The Value of Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in the Prediction of Fitness to Drive in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Mild Alzheimer’s Disease (mAD)”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 7-11 January 2018.    
pc285 Tselentis D., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Comparative Evaluation of Driving Efficiency Using Smartphone Data”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 7-11 January 2018.    
pc284 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Folla K., Nikolic N., Molnar E., “Developing a Global Road Safety Model”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 7-11 January 2018.    
pc283 Theofilatos A., Nieuwkamp R., Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Effectiveness of intelligent speed adaptation, collision warning and alcolock systems on driving behaviour and safety”, Proceedings of the “Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service” International Conference, Patras, Greece, 7-8 December 2017.    
pc282 Thomas P., Breen J., Yannis G., Laiou A., Folla K., Theofilatos A., “Review of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems”, Proceedings of the “Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service” International Conference, Patras, Greece, 7-8 December 2017.    
pc281 Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Campos Diaz E., Tormo Lancero M.T., Valero Mora P., “Evaluating the use of ICT tools to the mobility management of University Campuses”, Proceedings of the “Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service” International Conference, Patras, Greece, 7-8 December 2017.    
pc280 Nævestad T., Phillips R., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Safety culture in professional road transport in Norway and Greece”, Proceedings of the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.    
pc279 Papadimitriou E., Mavromatis S., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Assessment of Speeding Profiles and Safety Margins from Tangent to Curve by means of Driving Simulation”, Proceedings of the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.    
pc278 Laiou A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Meesmann U., Torfs K., Trotta M., “Road Users’ Safety Attitudes towards Speeding”, Proceedings of the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.    
pc277 Breen J., Laiou A., Yannis G., “An overview of serious road injuries in EU countries”, Proceedings of the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.    
pc276 Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Driver distraction without presence of secondary tasks: Inattention, cognitive overload and factors outside the vehicle – an overview”, Proceedings of the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.  
pc275 Papadimitriou E., Filtness A., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Comparative assessment and ranking of infrastructure related crash risk factors”, Proceedings of the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.    
pc274 Martensen H., Diependaele K., Van den Berghe W., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Van Schagen I., Weijermars W., Wijnen W., Filtness A., Thomas P., Machata K., Aigner Breuss E., Kaiser S., Hermitte T., Thomson R., “SafetyCube: Building a Decision Support System on Risks and Measures”, Proceedings of the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.    
pc273 Nævestad T. O., Phillips O., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Road safety culture among HGV drivers in Norway and Greece: Why do Greek HGV drivers commit more aggressive violations in traffic?”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Prevention of Accidents at Work, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 October 2017.
pc272 Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Kotsi E., “Reference analysis for the mobility in NTUA Campus”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc271 Mavromatis S., Yannis G., Laiou A., Tripodi A., Persia L., “Assessing Road Safety Management in Africa”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc270 Nævestad T., Størkersen K., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Occupational Safety in Norwegian Maritime Transport: a Study of Respondents from Cargo and Passenger Vessels”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc269 Thomas P., Filtness A., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Machata K., Martensen H., Diependaele K., “Overview of the European Road Safety Decision Support System”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc268 Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Aigner-Breuss E., Kaiser S., “An Overview of Risk Factors Related to Driver Distraction: Reviews and Meta-Analyses”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc267 Laiou A., Yannis G., Folla K., Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., “An overview of road accident fatalities in the European Union”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc266 Dragomanovits A., Yannis G., Laiou A., La Torre F., Domenichini L., Richter T., Ruhl S., Graham D., Karathodorou N., “Predicting Road ACcidents – a Transferable methodology across Europe”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc265 Agathangelou V., Tselentis I.D., Yannis G., “Corellating driving behaviour and characteristics”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc264 Vittoratou N., Tselentis I.D., Yannis G., “Association of stated and revealed driving behaviour using an On-Board-Diagnostics system”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc263 Souris C., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Attitudes of Greek drivers towards autonomous vehicles”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc262 Charoniti E., Orfanou F., Sermpis D., Yannis G., “Analysis of Alternative Scenarios for Managing Traffic Incidents Through Micro Simulation”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.    
pc261 Yannis G., Barmpounakis E., Vlahogianni E., Golias J., “Naturalistic Aerial Approaches for Monitoring Powered Two Wheelers”, Proceedings of the 6th International Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium (NDRS),The Hague, 8-9 June 2017.    
pc260 Yannis G., Tselentis D.,Vlahogianni E., Argyropoulou A, “Monitoring distraction through smartphone naturalistic driving experiment”, Proceedings of the 6th International Naturalistic Driving Research Symposium (NDRS),The Hague, 8-9 June 2017.    
pc259 Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “How does distracted driving affect lateral position of older drivers?”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Paris, March 2017.    
pc258 Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.G., “The detrimental effect of mobile phone use on the driving competence of patients with neurological diseases affecting cognitive functions”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Paris, March 2017.    
pc257 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papageorgiou S.G., “Can driving at the simulator “diagnose” cognitive impairments?”, Proceedings of the 96rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2017.    
pc256 Theofilatos A., Tselentis D.I., Yannis G., Konstantinopoulos M., “Willingness-to-Pay for Usage-Based Motor Insurance”, Proceedings of the 96rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2017.    
pc255 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., Golias J., “Stochastic cusp catastrophe models with traffic and weather data for crash severity analysis on urban arterials”, Proceedings of the 96rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2017.    
pc254 Kopsacheili A., Pnevmatikou A., Yannis G., Diamandouros K., “A transport modelling framework for Consensus”, Proceedings of the 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, October 2016.    
pc253 Yannis G., Laiou A., Folla K., Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., “Comparative analysis of road accidents in the European motorways”, Proceedings of the 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, October 2016.  
pc252 Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., Yannis G., Laiou A., Folla K., “Road traffic accidents in European urban areas”, Proceedings of the 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, October 2016.  
pc251 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Theofilatos A., Thomas P., Filtness A., Martensen H., Machata K., Elvik R., Usami D.S., “Development of a road safety Decision Support System for road infrastructure”, Proceedings of the 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, October 2016.    
pc250 Vlahogianni E., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Brijs T., Polders E., Leopold F., Durso C., Diamantouros K., “An in-depth analysis of road infrastructure interventions aiming to improve road safety of the elderly in Europe”, Proceedings of the 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, October 2016.  
pc249 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Laiou A., La Torre F., Domenichini L., Richter T., Ruhl S., Graham D., Karathodorou N., “Development of an online Repository of Accident Prediction Models and Crash Modification Factors”, Proceedings of the 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, October 2016.    
pc248 Dimitriou L., Stylianou K., Yannis G., “Investigation of Texting on Young Drivers Behavior by Means of Multivariate Copulae Analysis”, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.    
pc247 Yannis G., Theofilatos A., Pispiringos G., “Investigation of road accident severity per vehicle type”, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.    
pc246 Pavlou D., Beratis I., Yannis G., Economou E., Papageorgiou S., “Which are the critical parameters assessing the driving performance of drivers with cerebral diseases? A literature review”, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.    
pc245 Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Review of driving performance parameters critical for distracted driving research”, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.    
pc244 Laiou A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Milotti A., “Road safety data and information availability and priorities in South-East European regions”, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.    
pc243 Papadimitriou E, Lassarre S., Yannis G., “Human factors of pedestrian walking and crossing behavior”, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research,Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.    
pc242 Yannis G., Thomas P., Martensen H., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., “Developing the European Road Safety Decision Support System”, Proceedings of the 7th Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, June 2016.    
pc241 Yannis G., Laiou A., Folla K., Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., “An overview of car occupant fatalities in the European countries”, Proceedings of the 7th Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, June 2016.    
pc240 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.,“The Impact of cognitive impairments on accident risk”, Proceedings of the 7th Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, June 2016.    
pc239 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Golias J., Mavromatis S., “A classification of driver assistance systems”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Transport Systems, Technical University of Brest, Brest, Belarus, May 2016.    
pc238 Yannis G., Tselentis D., Papadimitriou E., Mavromatis S., “Star rating driver traffic and safety behavior through obd and smartphone data collection”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Transport Systems, Technical University of Brest, Brest, Belarus, May 2016.    
pc237 Karathodorou N., Graham D., Richter T., Ruhl S., La Torre F., Domenichini L., Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Laiou A., “Development of a crash modification factors model in Europe”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Road Safety on Five Continents, VTI, – Rio de Janeiro, May 2016.    
pc236 Evgenikos P., Yannis G., Folla K., Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., Thomas P., Kirk A., “Characteristics and Causes of HGV and Buses Accidents in Europe”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc235 Evgenikos P., Yannis G., Folla K., Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., Thomas P., Kirk A., “How Safe Are Cyclists on European Roads?”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc234 Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Which are the Critical Measures to Assess the Driving Performance of Drivers With Brain Pathologies?”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc233 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Golias J., “Investigating the Effect of Area Type and Traffic Conditions on Distracted Driving Performance”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc232 Laiou A., Yannis G., Milotti A., Piccoli G., “Road Safety Investments and Interventions in South East Europe”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc231 Persia L., Usami D., De Simone F., Feypell V., Yannis G., Laiou A., Han S., Machata K., Pennisi L., Marchesini P., Salathè M., “Management of Road Infrastructure Safety”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc230 La Torre F., Domenichini L., Meocci M., Graham D., Karathodorou N., Richter T., Ruhl S., Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Laiou A., “Development of a Transnational Accident Prediction Model”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc229 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Laiou A., Richter T., Ruhl S., La Torre F., Domenichini L., Graham D., Karathodorou N., Li H., “Use of Accident Prediction Models in Road Safety Management – An International Inquiry”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc228 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Kopelias P., Papadimitriou F., “Predicting Road Accidents: a Rare-Events Modeling Approach”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc227 Tselentis D., Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., “Innovative Insurance Schemes: Pay As/How You Driver”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc226 Papadimitrou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G, “Pedestrian Risk Taking while Road Crossing: A Comparison of Observed and Declared Behaviour”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc225 Laiou A., Theofilatos A., Mavromatis S., Yannis G., Azemsha S., “An Exploration of Road Safety Parameters in Belarus and the European Union”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.    
pc224 Mavromatis S., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Psarianos B., “Modeling stopping sight distance on left-turn curves of freeways overlapped with crest vertical curves”, Proceedings of the 95th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2016.    
pc223 Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G., Tselentis D., “Road, traffic and human factors of pedestrian crossing behaviour: integrated choice and latent variables models”, Proceedings of the 95th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2016.    
pc222 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Tsolaki A., “Analysis of preferences for the use of a bicycle sharing system in Athens”, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, November 2015.    
pc221 Armouti I., Antoniou C., Yannis G., “How does socio-economic status affect the use of CRS and seat belts? Preliminary results from a study in Athens”, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, November 2015.    
pc220 Papathanasopoulou V., Markou I., Antoniou C., Gikas V., Mpimis A., Perakis H., Yannis G., “Efficient management of parking under constraints”, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, November 2015.    
pc219 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Reitzopoulou O., “Impact of vehicle collision type on road accident severity in Greece”, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, November 2015.    
pc218 Mavromatis S., Laiou A., Yannis G., Barnes J., Giustiniani G., Persia L., “Road safety training through a Master course in Belarus”, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, November 2015.    
pc217 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Nikas M., “Comparative analysis of young drivers behavior in normal and simulation conditions at a rural road”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Orlando, Florida, October 2015.    
pc216 Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Golias J., “Cell phone use and driving performance of different age groups”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Orlando, Florida, October 2015.    
pc215 Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Golias J., Papageorgiou S., “In-vehicle distraction and brain pathologies: Effects on reaction time and accident probability”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Orlando, Florida, October 2015.    
pc214 Mavromatis S., Yannis G., “Cycling Acceptability Investigation among University Students in Athens, Greece”, Proceedings of the 4th international cycling safety conference, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, September 2015.    
pc213 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Tsolaki A., “Analysis of Preferences for the Use of a Bicycling Sharing System in Athens”, Proceedings of the 4th international cycling safety conference, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, September 2015.    
pc212 Vardaki S., Beratis I., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Driving difficulties as reported by elderly drivers with MCI and without neurological impairment: implications for road design”, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.    
pc211 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Papantoniou P., Andronas N., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S., “Driving performance profiles of drivers with parkinson’s disease”, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.    
pc210 Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Golias J., “How does distracted driving affect reaction time of older drivers?”, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.    
pc209 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Antoniou C., Golias J., “Assessing driving behaviour in the elderly: methodological issues”, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.    
pc208 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., Broughton J., Thomas P., Kirk A., “Road traffic casualties in the elderly in Europe: analysis of macroscopic and in-depth data”, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.    
pc207 Yannis G., Mavromatis S., Laiou A.”Integrated speed management strategies in local communities in South East Europe”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on road safety in local community, Kragujevac, Serbia, April 2015.    
pc206 Panagolia X., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “A review of the impact of traffic volume on road accidents”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc205 Armouti I., Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Safety Practices of Nursery School Travel: Preliminary Results from Ilioupoli”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc204 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Georgiadou E., “Investigation of the impact on road safety of increasing the speed limit on motorways”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc203 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Pavlou D., Beratis I., Andronas N., Papageorgiou S., “Investigation of the relationship between working memory and Parkinson’s disease in a driving simulator”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc202 Yannis G., Pavlou D., Theofilatos A., Arvaniti D., “Comparative analysis of factors affecting driving under the influence of alcohol of car drivers and motorcyclists”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc201 Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S., “Driving performance profiles of drivers with brain pathologies in rural roads”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc200 Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Exploratory analysis of the effect of distraction on driving behaviour through a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc199 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Muhlrad N., “Road Safety Management in Greece”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc198 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Commandeur J., Bijleveld F., Dupont E., “Forecasting the number of road traffic fatalities in Greece”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc197 Laiou A., Yannis G., Možina K., “A Speed Management Strategy for the Peloponnese”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc196 Yannis G., Laiou A., Piccoli G., “Road Safety Patterns in South-East European Regions”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.    
pc195 Mavromatis S., Stamatiadis N., Psarianos B., Yannis G., “Controlling crest vertical curvature rates based on variable grade stopping sight distance calculation”, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.    
pc194 Antoniou C., Gikas V., Papathanasopoulou V., Danezis C., Panagopoulos A., Markou I., Efthymiou D., Yannis G., Perakis H., “Localization and driving behavior classification using smartphone sensors in the direct absence of GNSS”, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.    
pc193 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Mermygka M., “Multilevel comparative analysis of road safety in european capital cities”, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.    
pc192 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papageorgiou S., “Do simulator measures improve identification of older drivers with MCI?”, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.    
pc191 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S., “Driving behaviour of drivers with mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer’s disease: a driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.    
pc190 Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G., “Introducing human factors in pedestrian crossing behavior models”, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.    
pc189 Pavlou D., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Vardaki S., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S.G., “Older drivers’ self assessment and cognitive impairments”, Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility’, Bergisch-Gladbach, November 2014.    
pc188 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Exploring the Association between Working Memory and Parkinson’s Disease in a Driving Simulator”, Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility’, Bergisch-Gladbach, November 2014.    
pc187 Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Golias J., “Is distracted driving performance affected by age? First findings from a driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility’, Bergisch-Gladbach, November 2014.    
pc186 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J., Beratis I., Economou A., Papageorgiou S.G., “Assessment of driving performance of drivers with brain pathologies in urban roads, using a driving simulator”, Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility’, Bergisch-Gladbach, November 2014.    
pc185 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., “Distracted driving and mobile phone use: overview of impacts and countermeasures”, Proceedings of the Communication Technologies and Road Safety Conference, Abu Dhabi, November 2014.    
pc184 Yannis G., Laiou A., Evgenikos P., “Road Safety Management in Greece”, Proceedings Regional Road Safety Capacity Building Workshop Belgrade, October 2014.  
pc183 Van Elslande P., Feypell-de la Beaumelle V., Holgate J., Redant Κ., de Solere H., Margaritis D., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., de Craen S., Haslie LI, Mugurio J., Granstrom POG., “Mobility and safety of powered-two-wheelers in the OECD countries”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April. 2014.    
pc182 Yannis G., Theofilatos A., Marinou P., “Attitudes of Greek drivers towards mobile phone use while driving”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April. 2014.    
pc181 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Golias J., Papageorgoiu SG, “First findings from a simulator study on driving behaviour of drivers with cerebral diseases”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April. 2014.    
pc180 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Antoniou C., Golias J., “First exploration of the effect of road and traffic environment on distracted driving through a driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April. 2014.    
pc179 Yannis G., Tira M., Tiboni M., Panea L., Torok A., Laiou A., Marinko V., Kostanjsek J., Leskovsek B., Vankov B., Piccoli G., “Assessment of road safety legislation, policy and institutional capacity in South-East European regions”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April. 2014.    
pc178 Evgenikos P., Papantoniou P., Hermitte T., Van Elslande P., Kirk A., Thomas P., Atalar D., Pfeiffer M., Yannis G., “European Road Safety and e-safety”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April. 2014.    
pc177 Yannis G., Thomas P., Muhlrad N., Martensen H., Dupont E., Aarts L., Evgenikos P., Papadimitriou E., “Development of the European Road Safety Knowledge System”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April 2014.    
pc176 Muhlrad N., Vallet G., Butler I., Gitelman V., Doveh E., Dupont E., Thomas P., Talbot R., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Persia L., Giustiniani G., Bax C., “Analysis of road safety management systems in Europe”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April. 2014..    
pc175 Yannis G., Laiou A., Papadimitriou E., Chaziris A., “An application of a road network safety performance indicator”, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Transport Safety Performance Indicators, organised by the Road Traffic Safety Agency of Serbia, Belgrade, March 2014.    
pc174 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papageorgiou S.G., “Sign recall in a fixed-base simulator as a measure of fitness-to-drive”, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2014.    
pc173 Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J, Papageorgiou S.G., “Results from a driving simulator study on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases in rural roads”, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2014.    
pc172 Yannis G., Laiou A., Papantoniou P., Christoforou C., “Simulation of Texting Impact on Young Drivers Behaviour and Safety in Urban and Rural Roads”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.    
pc171 Papadimitriou E., Auberlet J-M., Yannis G., Lassarre S., “Challenges in simulation of pedestrians and motorised traffic”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.    
pc170 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “A Review of Driving Performance Assessment in Simulators with focus to cognitive impairments related to age or caused by neurodegenerative disorders”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.    
pc169 Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Assessment of driving simulator studies on driver distraction”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.    
pc168 Yannis G., Golias J., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Papageorgiou S., Andronas N., Papatriantafyllou I., Liozidou A., Beratis I., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragiadaki S., Economou A., “Design of a large driving simulator experiment on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.    
pc167 Katrakazas C., Yannis G., Karlaftis M., “Investigation of factors affecting helmet use among European motorcyclists”, Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Thessaloniki, October 2013.    
pc166 Folla K., Yannis G., Papadimitriou Ε., “Effect of GDP Change on Road Accidents”, Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Thessaloniki, October 2013.    
pc165 Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Attitudes and behaviour of European drivers and other road users towards Road Safety”, Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Thessaloniki, October 2013.    
pc164 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., “Application of the SUNflower methodology for the assessment of two-wheeler safety in Greece”, Proceedings of the Scientific Days on Power Two Wheelers, October 2013.    
pc163 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papathanasiou E., Postantzi E., “Impact of Mobile Phone Use and Music on Driver Behaviour and Safety by the Use of a Driving Simulator”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on driver distraction and inattention, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2013.    
pc162 Yannis G., Laiou A., Papantoniou P., Gartzonikas C., “Impact of Texting on Young Drivers’ Traffic and Safety on Motorways by the Use of a Driving”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on driver distraction and inattention, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2013.  
pc161 Pavlou D., Beratis I., Loizidou A., Andronas N., Yannis G., Economou A., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Papageorgiou S.G., “Effects of cerebral diseases on driver distraction”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on driver distraction and inattention, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2013.    
pc160 Spyropoulou I., Yannis G., Golias J., Winkelbauer M., “Powered Two Wheelers Safety Measures: Recommendations and Priorities”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.    
pc159 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Katsohis D., “Impact of meteorological factors on the number of injury accidents”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.    
pc158 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Katsochis D., “Misreporting injury severity in European road accidents”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.    
pc157 Van Elslande P., Yannis G., Feypel V., Papadimitriou E., Tan C., Jordan M., “Contributory factors of powered two wheelers crashes”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.    
pc156 Yannis G., Van Elslande P., Feypel V., Papadimitriou E., Morris G., De Craen S., “Evolution in motorcycle crashes and current crash characteristics in the OECD countries”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.    
pc155 Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Furian G., Brandstaetter C., Britschgi V., Drapela E., Sardi G., Freeman R., “Motivations, travel habits, attitudes and behaviour of European Pedestrians”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.    
pc154 Broughton J., Knowles J., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Papantoniou P., “Seasonal distributions of road fatalities in Europe”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.    
pc153 Pace J.F., Martínez-Pérez C., Sanmartín J., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Papantoniou P., “Parameters affecting road fatalities outside urban areas in Europe”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.    
pc152 Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Papantoniou P., Kirk A., Thomas P., “Characteristics of road accidents with young people in Europe”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.    
pc151 Yannis G., “Review of distracted driving factors”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.    
pc150 Yannis G., “State of the Art on Urban Road Safety”, Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Living and walking in cities – Vulnerable users’ road safety, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy, June 2013.    
pc149 Vasiljevic J., Yannis G., Miloti A., “Significance of the ROSEE project – Road Safety in South East European Regions 2012 – 2014”, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on road safety in local communities, Valjevo, Serbia April 2013.  
pc148 Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. “Road safety forecasts in five european countries using structural time-series models”, Proceedings of the 92st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2013.    
pc147 Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Assessment of exposure proxies for macroscopic road safety prediction”, Proceedings of the 92st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2013.    
pc146 Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Furian G., Brandstätter C., Britschgi V., Drápela E., Freeman R., “The attitudes and behaviour of European pedestrians”, Proceedings of the 25th ICTCT Conference “Road safety in a globalised and more sustainable world – current issues and future challenges”, Belgium, November 2012.    
pc145 Margaritis D., Bekiaris E., Evgenikos P., Yannis G., “Pan-European road accident in-depth investigation database”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc144 Antoniou C., Tsakiri M., Yannis G., “Road safety improvements in junctions using 3D laser scanning”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc143 Christoforou Z., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Investigation of the effects of alcohol on the driving performance of young drivers”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc142 Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Cestac J., Kraïem S., Barbier C., “Riding a motorcycle while impaired”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc141 Evgenikos P., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., “Review of the evaluation procedures related to safety systems”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc140 Evgenikos P., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Kirk A., Thomas P., Atalar D., Hermitte T., Van Elslande P., “Review of current in-vehicle safety systems and related data sources”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc139 Spyropoulou I., Yannis G., Golias J., “Attitudes and behaviour of Greek Power Two Wheelers”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc138 Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., Golias J., Vuthy P., Saleh P., Winkelbauer M., “Power-Two Wheelers Critical Risk Factors: A European Study”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc137 Dragomanovits A., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Yannis G., Kanellaidis G., “Application of a method for the identification of hazardous locations and the selection of countermeasures on the rural road network”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc136 Kanellaidis G, Yannis G., Vardaki S., Laiou A., “Development of a Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, 2011-2020”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc135 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Laiou A., Kanellaidis G., “Safe driving decision support for older drivers”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.    
pc134 Jähi H., Muhlrad N., Buttler I., Gitelman V., Bax C., Dupont E., Giustiniani G., Machata K., Martensen H., Papadimitriou E., Persia L., Talbot R., Vallet G., Yannis G., “Investigating road safety management processes in Europe”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.    
pc133 Dupont E., Muhlrad N., Buttler I., Gitelman V., Giustiniani G., Jähib H., Machata K., Martensen H., Papadimitriou E., Persia L., Talbot R., Vallet G., Wijnen W., Yannis G., “Needs for evidence-based road safety decision making in Europe”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.    
pc132 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Evgenikos P., Papantoniou P., Kirk A., “Characteristics and causes of power two wheeler accidents in Europe”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.  
pc131 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “Road safety in Greece”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.      doi
pc130 Antoniou C., Yannis G., “State-space based analysis and forecasting of macroscopic road safety trends in Greece”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.    
pc129 Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Sardi G.M., Freeman R.P.J., “Road Safety Attitudes and Perceptions of Pedestrians in Europe”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.    
pc128 Hasson P., Kauppila J., Assing K., Yannis G., Lassarre S., “Challenges and opportunities for the assessment of the effectiveness of road safety measures”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.    
pc127 Yannis G., Weijermars W., Kauppila J., “A review of international sources for road safety measures assessment”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.    
pc126 Kanellaidis G., Yannis G., Vardaki S., Laiou A., “Development of a Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, 2011-2020”, Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic highway engineering conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, February 2012.    
pc125 Yannis G., Androulidakis M., Salata A., “Parameters Affecting Greek Drivers Willingness to Pay for the Avoidance of Road Accidents”, Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic highway engineering conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, February 2012.    
pc124 Yannis G., Panagolia C., “Development of a methodology for road safety impact assessment of infrastructure projects in Greece”, Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic highway engineering conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, February 2012.    
pc123 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E.,”Analysis of the safety impact of advertising signs on the number of road accidents”, Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic highway engineering conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, February 2012.    
pc122 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., “Comparative analysis of road safety parameters on European motorways”, Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic highway engineering conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, February 2012.    
pc121 Vlachogianni E., Yannis G., Golias J., Eliou N., “Identifying Outlying Power Two Wheeler Riding Behaviors at the Emergence of an Incident”, Proceedings of the 91st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2012.    
pc120 Christoforou Z., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Effects of alcohol on speeding and road positioning among young drivers: a driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the 91st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2012.    
pc119 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Analysis of Pedestrian Risk Exposure in Relation to Crossing Behaviour”, Proceedings of the 91st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2012.    
pc118 Spyropoulou I., Yannis G., “Incorporating intelligent transport systems into traffic simulation models”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, University of Patras, Greek Road Federation, Patras, October 2011.    
pc117 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Bairamis C., Sklias V., “Is it risky to talk, eat or smoke while driving? Findings from a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, September 2011.    
pc116 Christoforou Z., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Young drivers and alcohol impaired driving: a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, September 2011.    
pc115 Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Golias J., Eliou N., Lemonakis P., “Identifying riding profiles parameters from high resolution naturalistic riding data”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, September 2011.    
pc114 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Knowles J., Broughton J., Kirk A., “A critical assesment of intersection safety across Europe”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Access Management, Athens, June 2011.    
pc113 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., “Effectiveness of road safety measures at junctions”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Access Management, Athens, June 2011.    
pc112 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., “Modeling traffic fatalities in Europe”, Proceedings of the 90th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2011.    
pc111 Papadimitriou E., Hughes T., Yannis G., “Evolution of pedestrian safety in urban areas in the OECD countries”, Proceedings of the Walk 21 – Getting Communities back on their feet, The Hague, November 2010.    
pc110 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Sigalas E., “Drivers attitudes towards new technology applications in road safety”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Volos, September 2010.    
pc109 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Analysis of pedestrian crossing behaviour in urban areas”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Volos, September 2010.    
pc108 Yannis G., Petridou E., Evgenikos P., Chaziris A., Terzidis A., Desypris N., “Calculation of the underreporting level of road accident casualties in Greece”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Volos, September 2010.    
pc107 Spyropoulou I., Yannis G., Heydeker B., “Modelling Intelligent Speed Adaptation”, Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.    
pc106 Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., Golias J., Saleh P., “Road infrastructure and Safety of Power Two Wheelers”, Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.    
pc105 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., “Pedestrian gap acceptance for mid-block street crossing”, Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.    
pc104 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Petrellis N., “Cell phone use and traffic characteristics”, Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.    
pc103 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Evgenikos P., “Comparative analysis of junction safety in Europe”, Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.    
pc102 Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Weather Effects on Daily Traffic Accidents and Fatalities: A Time Series Count Data Approach”, Proceedings of the 89th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2010.  
pc101 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., “About pedestrian safety in Europe”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Paris, October 2009.    
pc100 Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Chaziris A., “CADaS – A common road accident data framework in Europe”, Proceedings of the 4th IRTAD Conference, Seoul, September 2009.    
pc99 Evgenikos P., Yannis G., Leitner T., Hoeglinger S., Broughton J., Lawton B., “Road safety and the elderly in Europe”, Proceedings of the 4th IRTAD Conference, Seoul, September 2009.    
pc98 Dupont E., Martensen H., Stipdonk H., Bijleveld F., Commandeur J., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Bergel R., Brandstaetter C., “Analyses using the European Road Safety Observatory”, Proceedings of the 4th IRTAD Conference, Seoul, September 2009.    
pc97 Golias J., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “Characteristics of lorry and bus accidents in Greece”, Proceedings of the 4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, November 2009.    
pc96 Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Papadimitriou E., “Application of the SUNflower methodology for the assessment of two-wheeler safety in Greece”, Proceedings of the 4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, November 2009.    
pc95 Yannis G., Karlaftis M., Bilionis D., “Correlations of road accident and meteorological conditions time-series”, Proceedings of the 4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, November 2009.    
pc94 Yannis G., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Dragomanovits A., Papadimitriou E., Kanellaidis G., “Seat belt and helmet use in Greece”, Proceedings of the 4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, November 2009.    
pc93 Yannis G., Sykianaki A., Bairaktari S., Toleris E., Kaperoni P., Theofilis I., Kopsacheili A., “Urban Mobility strategy in Greek cities”, Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Physical and Urban Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, September 2009.    
pc92 Yannis G., Kopsacheili A., Klimis P., “Macroscopic review of metro networks in Europe and their role in the city development”, Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Physical and Urban Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, September 2009.    
pc91 Rogan A., Iliopoulos K., Yannis G., Psaraki V., Solomonidis H., Karatsami P., Haralampopoulos I., Kasapi E., Dritsa H., Pantelias S., “Strategy for the development of transportation infrastructure in Greece for the 2020 horizon”, Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Physical and Urban Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, September 2009.    
pc90 Ziomas I., Yannis G., Tryfona V., Smyrnioudi V., Vyras L., Karlaftis M., “Environmental traffic management”, Proceedings of the seminar for Mobility on Urban Areas – the Green Paper and the Greek Reality, Athens, June 2008.  
pc89 Yannis G., Sykianaki A., Bairaktari S., Toleris E., Kaperoni P., Theofilis I., Kopsacheili A., “National Strategy on Urban Mobility in issues of the competence of the Ministry for the Environment”, Proceedings of the seminar for Mobility on Urban Areas – the Green Paper and the Greek Reality, Athens, June 2008.    
pc88 Yannis G., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Kanellaidis G., “A critical review on setting road safety targets in Europe”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Athens, May 2008.    
pc87 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Kapotsis G., “Correlation of road risk with selected interurban road characteristics”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Athens, May 2008.    
pc86 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Mpournelaki E., “Investigation of the influence of the median to the relative risk of interurban road segments”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Athens, May 2008.    
pc85 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., “Cost-benefit assessment of the intensification of road safety enforcement in Greece”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Athens, May 2008.    
pc84 Karlaftis M., Yannis G., Kepaptsoglou K., “Effects of a new parking management scheme on public transport park & ride facilities”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, NTUA, ASCE, TRB, Athens, May 2008.  
pc83 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Chaziris A., “Development of a common framework for risk exposure data in Europe”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, NTUA, ASCE, TRB, Athens, May 2008.    
pc82 Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Arsenio E., Azevedo C., “Introducing safety on advanced traveller information systems and consequent impact on drivers’ route choices”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, NTUA, ASCE, TRB, Athens, May 2008.    
pc81 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Vardaki S., Kanellaidis G., “Older drivers’ attitude towards intelligent transport systems”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, NTUA, ASCE, TRB, Athens, May 2008.    
pc80 Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Hoeglinger S., Bos N., Broughton J., Lawton B., “Comparative analysis of road safety parameters in the European motorways”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Ljubljana, April 2008.    
pc79 Katsohis D., Handanos J., Yannis G., “A comparative analysis of drinking and driving related accidents in Southern European countries”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Ljubljana, April 2008.    
pc78 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Bijleveld F., Cardoso J., Lejeune P., “Risk exposure data availability, collection methodologies and use in the EU”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Ljubljana, April 2008.    
pc77 Walters L., Broughton J., Lawton B., Hoeglinger S., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Bos N., “How safe are children in cars on European roads?”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Protection of children in cars, Munich, December 2007.    
pc76 Thomas P., Morris A., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Lejeune P., Duchamps G., Vis M., Vallet G., Jahi H., Dupont E., Martensen H., “Implementing the european road safety observatory in the Safetynet project”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents, Bangkok, November 2007.  
pc75 Kanellaidis G., Golias J., Yannis G., Vardaki S., Dragomanovits A., Laiou A., “Strategic Planning for the improvement of road safety in Greece” Proceedings of the Conference for the celebration of the 170 years of NTUA, Athens, 2007.    
pc74 Cardoso J., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “A review of international data files with risk exposure data” Proceedings of the International conference RSS 2007, Rome, 2007.    
pc73 Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., “Effects of driver accident history on ITS acceptance”, Proceedings of the 14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems Beijing, 2007.    
pc72 Antoniou C., Koutsopoulos H., Yannis G., “An efficient non-linear Kalman filtering algorithm using simultaneous perturbation and applications in traffic estimation and prediction”, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE ITS conference, Seattle, September – October 2007, pp. 217-222.  
pc71 Antoniou C., Koutsopoulos H., Yannis G., “Traffic state prediction using Markov chain models”, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, EUCA, Kos, July 2007, pp. 2428-2435.    
pc70 Katsochis D., Handanos I., Yannis G., “Comparative assessment of road safety performance in Greece” Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, June 2007.    
pc69 Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou E., “Accident risk factors of young drivers and targeted counter measures”, Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, June 2007.    
pc68 Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou E., “Mobility patterns of moped and motocycle riders in Greece: Results of a national travel survey”, Proceedings of the 86th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, TRB, January 2007.    
pc67 Thomas P., Morris A., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Lejeune P., Vis M., Vallet G., Jahi H., Dupont E., Martensen H., “Building the European Road Safety Observatory – SafetyNet”, Proceedings of the 3rd IRTAD Conference – Brno, November 2006.  
pc66 Hoeglinger S., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Bos N., Broughton J., “A comprehensive set of road safety basic statistics”, Proceedings of the 3rd IRTAD Seminar, OECD/ECMT, CDV, Brno, November 2006.    
pc65 Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Lejeune P., Hoeglinger S., Broughton J., “Enhancement and exploitation of the existing European road accident data”, Proceedings of the 3rd IRTAD Seminar, OECD/ECMT, CDV, Brno, November 2006.    
pc64 Benz T., Gaitanidou E., Spyropoulou I., Yannis G., Tapani A., “Modelling road traffic safety – The In-Safety approach”, Proceedings of the 13th World Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services , ERTICO, London, October 2006.    
pc63 Spyropoulou I., Golias J., Yannis G., Sigalas E., “Greek driver needs on ITS in relation to driver accident history”, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Driver Needs in relation to ITS, Technical Institute of Finland, Technical Institute of Finland, Turku, September 2006.    
pc62 Thomas P., Morris A., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Lejeune P., Vis M., Ritsema K., Vallet G., Jahi H., Dupont E., “The new European road safety observatory – SafetyNet”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Goethenboerg, June 2006.  
pc61 Yannis G., Golias I., Papadimitriou E., “An integrated analysis of health effects and risks of transport systems “, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Transport Research, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport Thessaloniki, May 2006, pp. 372-384.    
pc60 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., ” Efficiency assessment of selected road safety measures”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Transport Research, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Thessaloniki, May 2006, pp. 385-398.    
pc59 Thomas P., Morris A., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Lejeune P., Vis M., Ritsema K., Vallet G., Jahi H., Dupont E., “The new European road safety observatory – SafetyNet”, Proceedings of the 5th PRI World Congress, La Prévention Routière Internationale, Emirates Traffic Safety Society, Abu Dhabi, March 2006.
pc58 Lejeune P., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Houwing S., “Developing a common framework for the collection of risk exposure data in Europe within the SafetyNet IP The European Road Safety Observatory”, Proceedings of Ad-hoc Meeting on Traffic Performance, UN-ECE, Copenhagen, December 2005.    
pc57 Spyropoulou I., Karlaftis M., Penttinen M., Yannis G., Golias J., “Intelligent Transport Systems Today: A European perspective”, Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, Association for European Transport, Strasbourg, October 2005.    
pc56 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., “Cost benefit assessment of selected road safety measures in Greece ” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents, Swedish National Road Administration and Transport Research Institute, Warsaw, October 2005, pp. 792-806.    
pc55 Kanelaidis G., Yannis G., Vardaki S., Dragomanovits S., Laiou A., “Development of the 2nd Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece” Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic road safety conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of Patra, Patra, October 2005.    
pc54 Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Causes and countermeasures of two-wheel accidents” Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic road safety conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of Patra, Patra, October 2005.    
pc53 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., Spyropoulou I., “Passenger car and two-wheel drivers risk analysis in Greece” Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic road safety conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of Patra, Patra, October 2005.    
pc52 Spyropoulou I., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., Golias J., “Impact of use of advanced traveller information systems on the road transportation system ” Proceedings of the 2rd pan-hellenic road construction conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, May 2005.    
pc51 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., “Potential and limitation of road accident data analysis in Greece”, Proceedings of the 2rd pan-hellenic road construction conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, May 2005.    
pc50 Karlaftis M., Golias J., Yannis G., “A Simulation Model for Analyzing Traffic and Environmental Impacts from Heavy Vehicle Movement in Urban Areas”, Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transportation Research, Istanbul, July 2004.    
pc49 Thomas P., Morris A., Yannis G., Lejeune P., Wesemann P., Vallet G., Vanlaar W., “Designing the European Road Accident Observatory”, Proceedings of the international coference on Measuring the Burden of Injury, Wien, June 2004.  
pc48 Stathopoulos A., Yannis G., Anastassakis M., Karlaftis M., Mamais A., Batzias S., Bekiaris E., Nathanail T., Papageorgiou M., Papadimitriou E., Papapanagiotou J., Sambrakos E., Symeonidis G., “Technology foresight in transport in Greece – Towards sustainable mobility in 2021”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2004, pp. 661-674.    
pc47 Bekiaris E., Golias J., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Standardisation, implementation and optimum use of advanced driver assistance and vehicle control systems”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2004, pp. 161-173.    
pc46 Louca G., Yannis G., Kanellaidis G., “Investigation of European drivers’ attitude towards speed”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2004, pp. 605-614.    
pc45 Yannis G., Louca G., Vardaki S., Kanellaidis G., “Development of traffic enforcement programmes for the improvement of road safety”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2004, pp. 259-268.    
pc44 Yannis G., “Interventions on the road environment for the improvement of road safety”, Proceedings of the Conference on Trauma and Traffic Injuries, Hellenic Trauma Society, Athens, February 2004, pp. 62-64.    
pc43 Yannis G., Golias J., Antoniou C., “Combining traffic simulation and driving simulator analyses for Advanced Cruise Control system impact identification”, Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2004.    
pc42 Dandolou N., Patris G., Yannis G., “Community perspectives for airport security”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Airport Planning and Operation, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Aristoteles AUTh, ΤCG, Thessaloniki, June 2003, pp.269-281.  
pc41 Yannis G., Handanos J., “Targeted Road Safety Programmes – The Challenges for Southern Europe and the Applicant Countries”, Proceedings of the Best in Europe Conference on Targeted Road Safety Programmes in the EU, European Transport Safety Council, Brussels, June 2003, pp. 44-51.    
pc40 Karlaftis M., Golias J., Yannis G., “The use of simulation for the investigation of impact from delivery vehicle traffic in central Athens area”, Proceedings of the 6th Panehellenic Logistics Conference, Hellenic Logistics Society, Glyfada, November 2002.    
pc39 Antoniοu C., Yannis G., Golias J., “Road network efficiency and environmental impact assessment of Driver Assistance Systems”. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on intelligent transport systems, ITS America, ERTICO, Chicago, October 2002.    
pc38 Yannis G., Stevens A., Golias J., “Investigation of safety impact of driver assistance systems through traffic simulation modelling”. Proceedings of the International Congress on IT Solutions for Safety and Security in Intelligent Transport, ERTICO, European Commission, ITS France, Lyon, September 2002.    
pc37 Yannis G., “Sustainable solutions for parking in metropolitan areas”, Proceedings of the Conference on Parking in metropolitan areas. Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Athens, June 2002.  
pc36 Golias J., Frantzeskakis J., Yannis G., Papahatzakis K., “Development of a methodology for the optimization of locating emergency services along the road axes”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Transport Research, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2002, pp. 310-320.    
pc35 Yannis G., Vardaki S., Karadimas C., Kanellaidis G., “Development of a strategic plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece 2001 – 2005”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Transport Research, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2002, pp. 298-309.    
pc34 Yannis G., Golias J., “Elaboration of rules transforming national road accident values into European”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Transport Research, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2002, pp. 268-275.    
pc33 Yannis G., “Quantifying and monitoring road safety engineering solutions”, Proceedings of the road safety seminar, British Embassy in Athens, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Athens, January 2002, pp. 20-23.    
pc32 Frantzeskakis J., Golias J., Yannis G., Papahatzakis K., “Assessment of fire protection and rescue services in Greek airports”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on “Air transport and airports”, University of Patras, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Patras, December 2001.  
pc31 Yannis G., “Practical Actions Package”, Proceedings of the 1st Annual European Energy and Transport Conference “A safer tomorrow”, European Commision, Barcelona, October 2001.    
pc30 Golias J., Yannis G., “Dealing with lack of exposure data in road accident analysis”, Proceedings of the 12th international conference “Traffic Safety on three Continents”, Federation of European Road Safety Institutes, Transportation Research Board, Moscow, September 2001.    
pc29 Yannis G., “Technical solutions and their implementation for the reduction of the number of road accidents and their consequenses”, Proceedings of the Conference “Injury at the new milennium” Hellenic Society of Injury, Athens, June 2001, pp. 110-113.    
pc28 Yannis G., Karlaftis M., Golias J., “Classification of urban road network and road safety”, Proceedings of the Scientific Conference “Roadside land use and access management”, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, April 2001.    
pc27 Sambrakos E., Dikaios P., Yannis G., “Use of electronic means of information for a more economic management of the goods transport system”, Proceedings of the 13th National Conference of Operational Research “Transport and new technologies”, Hellenic Society of Operational Research, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, December 2000, pp. 357-371.    
pc26 Yannis G., Golias J., “Determinants for the linking of information and transportation systems”, Proceedings of the 13th National Conference of Operational Research “Transport and new technologies”, Hellenic Society of Operational Research, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, December 2000, pp. 11-24.    
pc25 Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Weight-in-motion stations and road network management”, Proceedings of the 13th National Conference of Operational Research “Transport and new technologies”, Hellenic Society of Operational Research, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, December 2000, pp. 415-426.    
pc24 Rogan S., Golias J., Papageorgiou G., Rogan A., Solomonidis C., Yannis G., “Central port of Piraeus: a purely passenger port offering water front activities to the town”, Proceedings of the conference of Association Internationale Villes et Ports, Marseille, November 2000.  
pc23 Golias J., Yannis G., “Investigation of the characteristics of shop delivery by commercial vehicles in the commercial centre of Athens”, Proceedings of the Seminar “Professional vehicle, traffic and environment” Association of motor vehicle importers-representatives, Athens, October 2000.    
pc22 Yannis G., Antoniou C., “State-of-the art on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems”, Proceedings of the Workshop “The role of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems on traffic safety and efficiency”, NTUA, Athens, October 2000, pp. 4-18.    
pc21 Tziotis M., Karadimas C., Yannis G., Kanellaidis G., “Effectiveness evaluation results of road safety measures world-wide”, Proceedings of the XIII ICTCT Workshop “Evaluation, validation, implementation of measures to improve transport safety”, Corfu, October 2000, pp. 81-90.    
pc20 Frantzeskakis J., Yannis G., Handanos J., “The potential of accident analysis systems for the evaluation of road safety measures in Europe”, Proceedings of the XIII ICTCT Workshop “Evaluation, validation, implementation of measures to improve transport safety”, Corfu, October 2000, pp. 45-57.  
pc19 Yannis G., “Traffic and accident analysis priorities and data availability in European countries”, Proceedings of the international seminar “Road traffic and accident data needs for the new century”, OECD, Vienna, September 2000.    
pc18 Yannis G., “Analysis of accident characteristics by the use of a road accident database”, Proceedings of Conference “Technological developments in active and passive safety of drivers and passengers”, Hellenic society for the support of road accident victims, Preveza, May 2000, pp. 19-32.  
pc17 Frantzeskakis J., Yannis G., Handanos J., “Road safety in the urban network and access management”, Proceedings of the second pan-hellenic road safety conference, University of Thessalia – Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, May 1998,pp. 347-358.    
pc16 Yannis G., Golias J., “Parameters of road safety policy in Greece and in Europe”, Proceedings of the second pan-hellenic road safety conference, University of Thessalia – Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, May 1998, pp. 265-279.    
pc15 Yannis G., Handanos J., Golias J., “The need of traffic information systems integration in the urban planning process”, Proceedings of the conference “Urban, land and environmental planning and informatics in planning in the transition era”, Department of Regional Planning and Urban Development of the NTUA, Athens, October 1997, pp. 421-428.    
pc14 Yannis G., Golias J., Kanellaidis G., “Road accident data bases with disaggregate data in the two continents”, Proceedings of the 8th international conference “Traffic Safety on two Continents”, Federation of European Road Safety Institutes, Transportation Research Board, Lisbon, September 1997, pp. 3-17.    
pc13 Ballis A., Yannis G., Tsamboulas D., “The changing face of the European operational environment in the freight transport”, Proceedings of the 2nd Convention “Conflict and cooperation”, European Association for the Advancement of Social Sciences, Nicosia, March 1997.  
pc12 Golias J., Yannis G., “Road safety parameters of two-wheel vehicles”, Proceedings of the seminar “Two-wheel traffic in urban areas”, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Athens, November 1996.    
pc11 Frantzeskakis J., Yannis G., “The transport system of Athens and the Olympic Games of 2004”, Proceedings of the second conference “A vision for Athens – the continuation – the charter”, Technical Chamber of Greece – Municipality of Athens, Athens, November 1996, pp. 184-190.    
pc10 Yannis G., Golias J., “Linking major works with the existing transport system”, Proceedings of the second conference “A vision for Athens – the continuation – the charter”, Technical Chamber of Greece – Municipality of Athens, Athens, November 1996, pp. 191-196.    
pc9 Golias J., Sambrakos E., Yannis G., “The potential of a unified booking system in air and short-sea lines”, Proceedings of the second seminar on transport economics “Short-sea shipping and air transport – competition and complementarity”, Department of Shipping of the Pireas University, Pireas, November 1996, pp. 223-239.  
pc8 Golias J., Yannis G., “Sustainable development of the transport system, its role in the service of citizens”, Proceedings of the international conference “Athens – Attika: strategic planning for sustainable development”, Athens Plan Οrganisation, Athens, May 1996.  
pc7 Yannis G., “Information Systems and competition in the goods’ transport sector”, Proceedings of the conference “Information Society”, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, December 1995, pp. 377-386.  
pc6 Golias J., Yannis G., “Road safety parameters of Greek roads” Proceedings of the first pan-hellenic road construction conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Larisa, October 1995, pp. 511-521.  
pc5 Frantzeskakis J., Yannis G., “Road safety – comparisons between the 15 E.U. member states”, Proceedings of the first pan-hellenic road construction conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Larisa, October 1995, pp. 489-500.    
pc4 Frantzeskakis J., Golias J., Yannis G., “National and international official publications for road accident statistics”, Proceedings of the international conference “International road traffic and accident databases”, OECD, Helsinki, September 1995, pp. 121-133.    
pc3 Yannis G., Evangelidis D., Argiraki V., Vaniotou M., Papadimitriou S., Sakki M., Politi C., Sekopoulos N., “The position of the Technical Chamber of Greece for a national road safety policy”, Proceedings of the first pan-hellenic road safety conference, AUTh, NTUA, MPW, TCG, Thessaloniki, March 1994, pp. 598-608.  
pc2 Yannis G., “Accident registration systems in the twelve member states of the E.C.”, Proceedings of the first pan-hellenic road safety conference, AUTh, NTUA, MPW, TCG, Thessaloniki, March 1994, pp. 1-17.  
pc1 Yannis G., “Electronic data interchange in the transport sector: a revolution in information management”, Proceedings of the international conference “The impacts of new technology applications in freight transport and fleet management”, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, PTRC, INRETS, Athens, May 1991.
Monographs – Chapters in Books
pb26 Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Key Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization Solutions Towards Vision Zero in Road Safety”, December 2024  
pb25 Oikonomou M., Sekadakis M., Ziakopoulos A., Tengg A., Yannis G., “Integrated Traffic Simulation Developer Suite for Shared Automated Mobility”, November 2024  
pb24 Petraki V., Ziakopoulos A., Fragkiadaki E., Karouzakis N., Kakavoulis K., Yannis G., “Providing State-Supported Financial Incentives and Benefits for Vehicle Insurance Policies Using Telematics”, October 2024  
pb23 Yannis G., Ziakopoulos A., “The Way Towards Smart, Green and Efficient Road Transport”, Digitalisation For Sustainable Infrastructure: The Road Ahead, Editors: Carlo Secchi and Alessandro Gili, October 2022.  
pb22 Yannis G., Ziakopoulos A., “Artificial Intelligence and Mobility: What Is at Stake for Safety?” Digitalisation For Sustainable Infrastructure: The Road Ahead, Editors: Carlo Secchi and Alessandro Gili, October 2022.  
pb21 Yannis G., Folla K., “L’observatoire européen de sécurité routière comme outil de communication”, Chocs de communication en sécurité routière, June 2021  
pb20 Nævestad T., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Safety Culture Among Car Drivers and Motorcycle Riders in Norway and Greece: Examining the Influence of Nationality, Region, and Transport Mode”, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, July 2020  
pb19 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “Road Safety”, International Encyclopedia of Transportation 1st Edition, Editor-in-Chief: Roger Vickerman, May 2021
pb18 Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “A taxonomy of skills and knowledge for efficient autonomous vehicle operation”, Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems, Editors : Eftihia G. Nathanail, Giannis Adamos, Ioannis Karakikes, November 2020  
pb15 P. Van der Elslande, V. Feypel, Yannis G., “Mobility and safety of powered two-wheelers in the OECD countries”, Traffic Safety Vol 4, Editors : George Yannis, Simon Cohen, 2016  
pb14 Yannis G., Muhlrad N., Martensen H., Arts L., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., Thomas P., “Development of the European Road Safety Knowledge System”, TRA 2014 Thematic Volume, April 2014  
pb13 Mulhrad N., Vallet G., Butler I., Gitelman V., Doveh E., Dupont E., Thomas P., Talbot R., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Persia L., Giustiniani G., Bax C., “Analysis of road safety management systems in Europe”, TRA 2014 Thematic Volume, April 2014  
pb12 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Analysis of Pedestrian Road Crossing Behaviour in Urban Areas”, Transportation Systems and Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, 2015  
pb11 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., “Improving fatalities forecasting in times of recession in Europe”, Relationship between developments in road safety and the economic performance, IRTAD, International Transport Forum, October 2015.  
pb10 Christoforou Z., Yannis G., Golias J., Saleh P., “PTW crashes and the role of perception”, Increasing Motorcycle Conspicuity: Design and Assessment of Interventions to Enhance Rider Safety, Ashgate, April 2015.  
pb9 Yannis G., “Road safety research in Greece, through NTUA diploma theses”, Honorary Edition for Professor G.Giannopoulos, 2012.  
pb8 Yannis G., “Transportation choices in the modern city”, Collective Work: Green Urban Mobility – Sustainable mobility policies in urban centres, Editor: S.Tsetsis, Papasotiriou Publishing, 2013.  
pb7 Benz T., Gaitanidou E., Tapani A., Toffolo S., Yannis G., Spyropoulou I., “Models on the Road”, Collective Work: “Infrastructure and Safety in a Collaborative World – Road Traffic Safety”, Editors: E.Bekiaris, M.Wiethoff, L.Gaitanidou, Springer, 2011.  
pb6 Rogan A., Boutatis A., Yannis G., Golias J., “Traffic parameters for the re-organisation of Port operations in Attiki for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games”, A Compendium of Best Transportation Practices in the Athens 2004 Summer Olympics, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, January 2007.
pb5 Belehri M., Yannis G., Petridou E., “Road accidents in Greece and in Europe”, submitted for publication in the Special Honorary Edition for Professor Koutselinis, January 2004.  
pb4 Yannis G., “A policy for sustainable mobility in the Greater Athens Area”, Collective Work: “A future for Athens. Policy for urban reorganization of the Greater Athens Area”, Editor: S.Tsetsis, Papazisi Publishing, April 2003.  
pb3 Yannis G., “Système d’ information et stratégie dans les transports. Le cas du transport express”, Thèse de Doctorat, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, mars 1993.
pb2 Yannis G., “Un service E.D.I. – transport pour une entreprise productrice de services télématiques”, Mémoire du D.E.A., Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, juin 1988.
pb1 Yannis G., “Road accidents data registration systems unification in the twelve member states of the European Communities”, Diploma thesis, School of Civil Engineering of NTUA, Athens, July 1987.
Teaching Material
Other Work